My Lips Do Thee Wrong | txilar | G | 200
Fanfic100 Challenge: 021 Friends & 023 Lovers
Summary: Regulus and Remus imagine things.
What am I, that my lips do thee wrong?
Remus felt Regulus’s eyes on him again.
Once it made him uncomfortable, but now he imagined Regulus was waiting for him. Regulus studied as much as he did, took refuge in the library as he did, was quiet.
He liked to imagine them discussing History of Magic and often he imagined helping Regulus. He’d demonstrate a spell or draw a diagram over his shoulder and smile as Regulus’s eyes lit in understanding.
It wasn’t wrong to want a friend who wanted the same things. It was only wrong that he couldn’t have him. Wasn’t allowed.
Maybe today could change that.
Regulus watched Remus carefully, followed the delicate curve of his neck, the sighing slope of his shoulders, the weary ache in his hands as he searched through books.
He imagined the low class pads of Remus’s fingers and how they would feel on his own skin, against his face, chest, or his back. Thought of his lips and how they might-
“Close your mouth before you catch chizpurfles!” snapped Pince as she breezed by.
Regulus turned back to his study but he was gone. A tap on his shoulder startled him.
“Hello Regulus.” Remus smiled.
“Go away, halfblood,” Regulus snarled.