drabble: Speak Not

Feb 15, 2006 18:14

Speak Not | Draco/Remus | 100 | G
Challenge: For wildestranger's LJ Anniversay Drabble Fest: Remus/Draco? Post-war and bitterness?

I pray thee sigh not, speak not, draw not breath

“Oh look. It’s a werewolf. Beware.”

A bored voice interrupted Remus’s thoughts. He opened his eyes to see Draco sitting across from him. He smiled. “Well, if it isn’t The Boy Who Barely Made It,” he murmured. “How’s your mother?”

Draco’s eyes narrowed.

Remus leaned over the small table. He could feel Draco’s body heat. “How are you, Draco? Life treating you well? Things fair for you?”

Draco’s hard gaze faltered to a petulant frown. He leaned back.

Remus felt their knees almost graze and moved his feet closer. He almost smiled as Draco shifted uncomfortably.

“Wolf got your tongue?”

hp fic: draco, hp fic: remus, drabbles

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