
Aug 24, 2005 16:04

How fitting of a name "untitled" 1. Not named: an untitled story. 2. Not holding a title, as of nobility. 3. Having no right or claim.. Two people meet initially no titles. Then they meet and the first title is received "friend". In this case it was a boy and a girl. THey became the greatest of friends. One day they decided to become a bit more than friends thus a second title "dating/bf/gf" comes in to play in most cases. Sometimes when this happens things can go astray you see in matters of the heart all are fools and none are ever correct. Smetimes people lose sight of whats really going on and base their decisions on lies told to them for whatever reason be it to keep the other around or just plain stupidity. Most times when this happens it can be recovered although at times it seems all is lost it mostly works out for the better. This only happens because neither party is smart enough to realize that once the bad starts its only a matter of time before their undoing will finally be at hand. They hold their current title and try to work towards then next, always in vain always hopeless. Eventually it all comes crashing down and they are both left sitting. Unloved, unwanted, and untitled. In most cases this decision only really hurts one of the two because hey we all know someone has to be the hardass right? Someone has to be the one to turn the knife deeper and deeper that they had planted there so long before at their first meeting. Someone has to be the one to say hey bitch remember that heart you had ? Look I made a pretty little soup out of it want it back? Most times people come out of it on top smarter and and better the next time around.... Not this time. Keep the fucking thing it did no good for me when I had it and apparently I dont know what its good for. All i know is it hurts more now than it ever has and this isnt the first time i felt like this when i gave it to you and im sure that i dont need it anymore so please, keep it to remember me by hell borrow it, it was big enough to hold a whole other world for you in so im sure you could get some use out of it. Besides I have learned my lesson love is fucking pointless no matter what your always gonna do something wrong, something will always make it end, and noone will ever be as willing as you are to make it work. AM i the only person in the entire fucking universe that believes that if you truly love someone and i mean truly so much that you feel dead when they arent near you even if for just a day or two that you can get through anything? Am i the only person who believes that no matter what it is two people who really love eachother that way can accomplish anytrhing if they feel that way about eachother. Your right you deserve better you deserve someone who will take anything and expect nothing you deserve someone who will pay for everything you have and make sure you are ok your whole life. I wanted to be that someone but i lost my way when i felt unwante d and i guess it was my fault for letting it get to me when i lied to you and told you it was ok even though we both knew it wasnt ok I shoulda flat out told you i couldnt handle being your dirty secet and lost you forever then when it was still new instead of waiting this long and actually knowing how wonderful you really are and making it worse. I can imagine how shiity my life s gonna be without you but i know it wont be worth living since i dont have you to share it with any longer. For the record here so everyone who reads this can see it . Jenn means absolutely shit to me she is this chick i was engaged to at one time and she wasted what she had i have never regretted our break up. i do not ever want anything to do with her in any way shape or form other than talking when we see eachother.As for gwen I did worse things to her than anyone should ever have to endure from another person who they "love". I am a liar and a cheater. I am a drunk and i will say anything to avoid conflict. I am a broken man who was so sure he finally found the one who would make his life worth being a part of only to find out he had been so broken that he was just gonna ruin that for himself to . Im sorry i made your life suck. Im sorry I never had a job and contributed anything. I'm sorry for every tear that has ever rolled down your face. Im sorry for every word of ill will that has ever come out of my mouth towards you. Most of all im sorry that i will never stop loving you and i can never have you again. Thank you for letting me see you one last time last night. and damn you for being so fucking awesome that i dont ever want to get over you .
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