Jul 20, 2013 16:53
This could also be titled "Annoying my beloved" *L*
So Mr E is watching sports center the other night and they are talking about the new football season starting and making teams for fantasy football, which I never really understood the concept of... and then it hit me.
Me: So is fantasy football basically Fan Fiction for sports?
Mr E: *somewhat startled/appalled by the comparison* Wha... No...
Me: You pick players you would like together... Right?
Mr E: Yes
Me: *whisper* shipping
Mr E: What?
Me: *smiling* Oh nothing. So basically you put together players you like and want to see together in as scenario that you want them to play out?
Mr E: Yeah... I suppose
Me: Sounds like fanfiction to me.
In the end he did convince me that there is a difference in that you don't get to control the outcome, since it depends on how the players actually preform in real life... but still, I think I finally am less confused now *L*
real life,
mr e