Nov 20, 2004 15:45
OK, First things first..Post comments. Comments encourage more postings. You read more postings, you get happy. I read your comments and thus post more. Its a beautiful cycle.
I'm a somewhat emotional person. I know, I know, shocking. It's not always a bad thing, but it can make it hard to post stuff. So I decided to write about stuff that makes me emotional. This came about after posting a comment in another journal. (No free plug, you can plug it in the comments section). I try to write only about stuff I feel strongly about but I'm trying to stay away from the political. My entire view can be summed up by saying this entire administration has its head up its ass..but then again 50-something percent (depending on who you talk to, conspiracy theorists and all know who are) of the population has its head up its ass as well. So thats all I have to say about that. BUT! It does remind me of a story that used to hang on the wall of my grandfather's bar (perhaps it still does, I will have to check the next time I am over). So children, it is story time:
Back in the beginning of time, the organs of man were fighting over who should be boss of the body. The feet spoke up and said since he took man where he needed to go, he should be boss. The eyes spoke up and said because he let man view the world, he should be boss. The brain spoke up and said since he sent all the signals out, letting the rest of the body know what was going on, he should be boss. The heart spoke up and said since he pumped blood, which man could not survive without, he should be boss. Then the asshole spoke up, but before he could complete a sentence, the other organs erupted in laughter. The asshole? The boss? Impossible! The organs continued arguing, while the asshole went back, and closed up. Within a matter of days the brain went fuzzy and could not send out his signals. The feet became wobbly and could not support the body. The heart became tired and was unable to pump blood. The eyes became blurry and could not see properly. Which only goes to show, you don't need to be a brain to be boss, only an asshole."
Thats not a direct word for word, but I think it captures the sentiment quite well. Thats how I feel about this government of ours and I will discuss this fact no further here.
Theres alot of little things that piss me off. Again, I know, shocking.
Here's a couple I've noticed today. They didn't piss me off for the first time today, but they occured today, hence the mentioning of them here.
Buddy Icons. They Suck. Any sort of identifying mark next to your name in either IM clients, forums, email, or even when you sign your name is dumb. I avoid these things wherever possible, but so many programs demand them that I've gone weary of combating them all. Has the basic human intelligence degraded so far that people are thinking to themselves "Hm, I'm not quite sure who this person is that is talking to me, but oh! theres a spinny multi-colored flower next to their name, it must be Jane!"? If your Screenname, handle, email address, whatever is so damn obscure that people need to revert to looking at the picture next to it to figure out who you are, try getting a new one. Try using some imagination, like perhaps, YOUR NAME instead of USER482372 or something similar. (Numbers changed to protect the innocent but i do have 2 user-number people on my buddy list who unfortunately I have to revert to the buddy icon to remember which is which). Then of course, theres the people who change their buddy icon on a regular basis. These are the people who spend hours poring over these buddy icon site trying to find the ultimate icon! Then they IM you and say "Hey! Check out my new icon!", like I'm supposed to be all super-excited about. There is one person I know who does this weekly. It is the only time I ever hear from her. She also clicks every link in someone's profile so its quite possible she's reading this right now. You know who you are. Stop it. It is is annoying.
I was also checking out some of these live journals to see if they've gotten any better since I first got my livejournal (2003). They haven't. More colors and prettier layouts do not make better journals. This is not a knock on people at livejournal, i'm sure they're wonderful people. But the people posting are not. Case in point, don't post to say, you have nothing to say, so sorry, you won't be posting today. It's just dumb on so many levels. We won't get into the many levels, but to them, I'd like to say, "Hey dummy! Posting to say there is no post, makes it a post!". Seriously, if you don't have a thought in your head, don't broadcast it to the rest of the world. Go finish watching the last of Season 1 of the OC on DVD and see if you can figure out some of those tougher plot lines.
Then theres the livejournal posts that preach to the rest of the world like they have a thousand people reading their journal. You're probably lucky to get 10, most of which are your friends. You might get the occasional reader who comes, checks it out, gets bored and leaves, but for the most part, its people you know. Your life is not so amazing that people are gonna come and check out the latest saga in "What happened User83782's life today! Featuring: people you don't know, based in places you've never heard of!". I'm conflicted on inside jokes however. Mainly it depends on what kind. For example, if you had a joke about exploding lighters or dancing gnomes, you can slip that into normal conversation quite easily and it just looks quirky (which I did right there). But I hate, HATE! it when people do those stupid inside joke things like: (kt, KD&CD 4eva NeVa 4get bluemoon! OMG LOLOLOL). Grrrr! Its like..What? Did you have a muscle spasm while typing? Are you not capable of normal speech? Do you walk around with a bright colorful sign hanging around your neck so people know who you are?
That's just a few of the things at the moment. We can discuss NoVA traffic in detail, or perhaps kids (anyone under age 16) with cellphones, or one of the many other things next time, but you must comment. Otherwise I won't waste my time cuz I think no one wants to read em. OK? That is all. Distraction over. Shoo now! Go!