Aug 29, 2005 16:08
Why don't you see Shawn?! Everything i am going through, all the hurt, all the tears, all the sleepless nights----theyre for you----theyre for US! if i didnt give a fuck WHAT happened anymore...i could give a shit---i would NOT be waiting....PRAYING youll change, fucking DYING to know if youre going to make some CHANGES! i DO care, i DO love you with all of my heart, and i DO want to spend the rest of my life with you----you fucking KNOW that!!!! i decided today that it is WAY to emotionally tolling to be "broken up" but still have as much contact as we did when we were dating...that right THERE, should show you a problem...when you call me as much if not MORE now....than when we were "dating". COME ON! open your eyes sweetie!!! no more pretending! no more ignoring! it is time, to grow up and act like a 27 year old, who has this woman who would do ANYTHING for him....and he would in return as well! AND...heres the big kicker...he SHOWS IT ON A DAILY BASIS. in the little things you do, big things, EVERYTHING! fucking show me. for 3 years...thats ALL i asked for....and you COULD NOT...nononono i take that CHOSE NOT to do it. Well---now that youre alone, and i am absent from your life....will you even notice?? will you even WANT me back?? will you even work to chance your mentality and relationship issues to get me and keep me...HAPPY??? forever?!?! the ball is in YOUR COURT shawn. There are NO OTHER WAYS i can tell you is ALL on you. ok? wake up---and realize it. dont feel sorry for yourself, dont pity yourself, and dont shower yourself with critisism......if you do, then youre not learning a GODDAMN thing from this. for once.....think about ME this time, what you can do to make ME happy, FUCK, even an appoligy would be a start! just admitting you cant handle losing me...and you cant live without me. UNLESS, of course, you can handle it.....then i guess you made the decision, and you need to let me i can get closure.....and know that you are not going to change...and im fucked. sure as hell better face this shit shawn, cause it is NOT going to go away, just fucking face it.