o yeah

Jun 01, 2005 23:50

Sooo the banquet was fun... kinda. basic highlights of the last few days
- recieving the end-of-the-season-stat-sheet for baseball ( my stats were mui bueno)
- picking up my banjo again, and wow, actually immproving!
- as always, drumming
- final adress in debate class, and final speech for Mrs. G to the ardener
- baseball is OVER, at least for the next, er.... 12 days
- so much more that I won't bore you with

and then several things in the near future

- my bday on June 6(thats 5 days from now, also the day we stormded normandy, a.k.a. D day, for all you history buffs)
-8 days of school left!
-summer, with that aforenamed graduation will be here, and therefor lots of time to do stuff, what or with whom, i'm not sure yet, but anyways.....

long term...
-family vacations
-and who can forget, spending the summer with Ben.....

so i just finished working out and making my muscles pop, lol, but im gonna go to bed. it's 12:03 ya'll! G'night!

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