May 25, 2005 23:38
Soooooooooooooo Bible study was really cool tonight, I got through alot of stuff while we talked about collosians, which is one of the churches Paul writes to while in captivity. I came home and read for like another hour, and am gettin ready to head to bed. Our championship is on friday now, at 5:30, against Luisa, but in Orange(?). Anyways I'm getting really stoked for Romania, and just found out that I'm drumming for the team, at friday's after five, as well as a monsterous music convention in Romania that we've been asked to play at. Pretty cool, if you ask me. Soooo many changes have been goiin on lately, and they're all pretty cool, though i can't explain some of them, because they're on such a deep level. I've gotta finish getting my year book signed, but i'm running out of room now, because some of my amazing freinds wrote some long entries in it. Thanks guys, that was pretty cool. I'm gonna head out now, probably read some more. I'll see you all later, PEACE,