so yeah

Dec 24, 2006 01:56

update and shait.
Um....Nothing too much new has been going on. Been hanging out w/ Nick every day since he got back from Austin. Last night we went out to Elite to see the tattoo Ryan drew up for me. It was about a 2 hour wait, so we went to play pool for a bit. Lots of fun, even though I totally sucked. We talked a lot of shit on each other, it was awesome. Then we went back to Elite after about an hour and looked through some flash when Nick found a badass St. Michael tattoo he's been wanting for a long time. So finally Ryan was ready for me! We went ouside for a minute and chatted first, then went back and got set up. I LOVE getting tattoos, Its a sickness. Ryan did an amazing job, and he took a picture of it for his book too. Nick was there with me, mostly daydreaming about his tattoo he wants the whole time lol. There was an older lady there too getting a few touch ups and she fawned over my tattoos lol she was sweet. So I got all finished :( and and Nick talked to Ryan about the one he wants while we went outside to chat some more. After we left I was all hopped up on endorphins :) yay!! We ran and ate at Whataburger then went by a gas station when I realized I lost my ID!!!!! My phone was dying so I hurried and called Ryan and he said they had found it. So we had to drive all the way back to Beaumont and back to pick it up lol. damn my khakis and their shallow pockets! After we got back to my house Nick spent like 2 hours teaching me different ways to immobilize/kill people lol. Lesson? Never piss off an army medic.

Tonight we're trying to get a poker game together. So far its just me nick and robby and maybe nicks step brother in law. We're still tryin to get ahold of cody and josh, those bastids! I need to try to go call those guys again. Josh has bitched out on us the last like 2 days, he better be up for poker tonight lol.

Today Mac came in from the Navy, but no one's doing anything until tomorrow I think. Yay for hanging out w/ friends! Oh speaking of I also got to see Jessie! She and her boyfriend Clint got a new apartment and I went over there to hang out and help her clean yesterday before I went out. Woo.
I'll have some pics on my myspace of the new tattoo eventually. Ryan's awesome! Nicks gonna get his after X mas, its going to be like an 8 hour sitting though, ouch! It should be an experience!
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