Well i've spent the first half of today in the worst way possible.
http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=45086 Now i'm all depressed.
There's a point where people need to move on, but its so damn sad, where do you draw the line? 5 years? 15 years? I assume that people that were directly involved would want to move on sooner than people across the country that didn't actually experience much trauma.
Second reason for depression:
my old journal on freeopendiary.com has been deleted. I dont effing know why. I havent written in it in like 2 years, but I still go on it to look through all the stuff I wrote and keep up with people. I had like 4 years of my life documented in that, almost every single day. My memory is ass and I suck at saving things,and that diary was the only link I had to what I did in high school and after. I emailed them asking for it back, but I don't know if it will do any good.... If they give it back I swear im like printing every single entry...
Plus, I have a farking headache, and have HAD this same headache for the last 4 days. Fucking monday...