Nov 21, 2004 02:40
didnt hear from home depot, but told i would hafta wait till next monday (after thanksgiving) wouldnt have done me much good to know friday i guess. i prob wouldnt have worked this next week anyway, but i need a job. School payments are coming in and i have to have that money. apparently brian is pissed at me or somthing, im not sure. he hasnt called the past few days when he said he would. i dunno, im begining not to care about anything or anyone anymore. if they need me they can call. my number is not hard to find. i havent gotten much sleep latly, sleeping then way to much. no one has really called to wake me up and see if i want to do anything, so sleeping past anything i wouldnt be doing anyway sounds fine anyway. i can watch my dvds till i pass out and ill be fine.