For the SPN/J2 Big Bang I claimed a very intriguing Sam/Dean story and got the awesome sylsdarkplace aka bangingpatchouli as my collaborator (imagine my surprise, I nearly fainted). Anyway, she wrote a super wonderful story and I tried not to mess up too bad on the art side.
Summary for the story:
The Long Road Home
Two years after the Woman in White case, Sam WInchester has just passed the bar exam and is about to embark on a career and marriage. That's when Dean unexpectedly shows up and tells him that John has found that Mary was killed by demons and they are after Sam. Except, Sam is sure that demons don't exist and John's story doesn' add up. An unexpected hunt sets off a chain of events that has the brothers crisscrossing the country in search of anaswers, and the answer comes from an unexpected source... a fairy.
This first piece is what I pictured shortly after I started reading the story. Just the boys on the road driving.
This second piece was inspired by the story itself and requested by the author when I asked if there was a certain scene they wanted illustrated.
This is the divider I came up with.
This was a wonderful story to read and to make art for because the author gives so much detail.
Go read it at: