My Great Weekend...

Jul 12, 2005 14:37

The last thing I want to write about today is my weekend. I had the best weekend. It was the most relaxed time I've had since a week before graduation.Saturday my sister dropped me off at Brandons house it was like 10 or so at night we watched some cartoons and I slept there. We woke up early Sunday morning took showers got dressed and packed threw all our stuff into Papa's sweet truck we stopped at mcDonalds and he got me a mcgriddle that made me very happy I took a lil nap in the back seat and later we pulled up to his aunt Susan's house and unloaded and loaded junk, went in and changed into bathing suits, got back into the truck and headed to this little beach that's down the road from her house. We laid down a blanket and watched the kids swimming and playing in the water. We went out on the jet ski it was his first time on one and he got to drive I got to ride behind him and hold on for dear was so nice. Later a DJ showed up and was playing music he found it both amusing and annoying that I knew everysong he played. LOL The ice cream truck came by and all the kids ran up there including us. Brandon baught me a bubblegumflavored ice pop while he enjoyed Oreo icecream...Then after chillen for a while we went out on the ski again then came back and got on the boat with everyone else. two ski's were out giving tubing rides Brandon fell off twice the first time it flipped upside down and he was still holding onto it,then let go,the second time he pulled a superman and the flew off. It was funny to watch and he had a blast. When I went I didntfall off once but the rope ended up breaking and then when we tried to bring the tube back to the boat on the ski we let go of it and the cover fell off and I had to go swim and get it it was a mess but it was so funny! His cousin Jenna gave me a ride on the other ski and she is a good,but crazy ,driver I swear I was standing up more than I was sitting down when I rode with her it was soo much fun I flew up in the air she made some high jumps we got behind a boat and jumped some of it's wakes there were some people on another boat watching and pointing as both of us flew up in the air me holding onto her ,her holdong onto the handles and the throttle, I came back down before her and slid forward (with no control ) and she came down practically sitting in my lap and still driving it was so funny we laughed so hard as the spray fell over us and we were soaked! After headind back to shore everyone started to pack up and we went back to his aunt's housewe stayed there for a while. there were only two bad things about that day the first was that I found out that Goku my oet sugar Glider died that night, my sister's cat got the cage open and chased him down stairs to the dogs room and the dogs........*sigh* got a hold of him. They didnt know anybetter but i still cant help feeling somewhat angry at them. The second bad thing was that it had to end all let alone all too soon. Papa drove to DC as I drifted off into another back seat nap only this time it was dark out and I felt I had better reasons to nap now. We reached the appartment after a long wait in a traffic jam that I was not aware of because I slept the entire way. I got up helped Brandon with his things and we said our goodbyes. The ride home was mostly silent with a few bits of conversation here and there though it was not awkward silence more of a comfortable day well spent silence. I tried my best not to nod off but failed in the end I woke just before the turn onto my street. He pulled the circle and I got out in front of my drive way thanking Papa for taking me and including me in such a nice family get together I closed the door. He waited for me to make my way sleepily to the front porch and drove off into the night. I unlocked my door went inside just to lock it again behind me. Made my way up the stairs to my room and hardly had time to slip into some pj's before falling onto my bed. I feel asleep evwntually after staring blankly at the TV wanting to watch Adult Swim but finding no energy to do so. The screen went black and before the white words could come up I had found my own blackness benieth my eyelides and the night found it's ending.

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