
Oct 23, 2006 22:30

My back is killing me. I want nothing more than to take a pain pill and go to bed, but noooo. Because of a multitude of events over the last two weeks I've had to medically withdraw from two courses, and play catch up in my others. fun fun. I just love writing 4 lab reports in two days. :P <-- see how happy i am? And even once I finish this last lab report, I can't take a pain pill and sleep because I have to be up early for work with means just really strong IB so I'm not groggy and half alive in the morning. I can't call in to work anymore because I've already missed like 3 weeks and I don't want to push it. Granted I had doctor notes for all of it, but still. My boss can be a tad touchy about the missing work thing. At least he can sympathize with my pain though, that's a bonus I've never had before I guess?

In other news that's not school related...Boys are stupid! Especially particular ones who will remain nameless. BUT, I've decided to move on with my life, and surprisingly there haven't been the tears and heartache like previous attempts. Instead just some mild anger that flares into intense anger every now and then when thoughts and recollections turn particularly nasty and mean. I should probably go more in depth because it would be healthy to vent it all, but I have to get back to my last lab report...
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