Life's Little Failblog

Nov 16, 2009 16:05

Adult-sized fail: While at work the other day, Savanna and I were happily passing the time by ganging up on Collin, and mercilessly teasing the crap out of him. At one point, I was in his way and he asked me to move. I continued to tart off to him and without warning, he calmly picked me up like a rag doll, moved me over about three feet, set me down, and kept walking. There really is no snappy comeback for that.

Non-slip surface fail: Also while at work, my good friend was nervous as his girlfriend was due to go into the hospital later that night and have labor induced. Being a jackass and wanting to make him laugh, I skipped down the hallway singing, "You're gonna be a DAD pretty soon!" About half a dozen skips in, I hit a wet patch on the floor, slid, and did a face-plant into the wall.

Dodging a kitten fail: It's all fun and games, taunting your kitten with a toy, until his little paw flashes out much more quickly than you expected, and punches you in the face.

life's little fail

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