Help request.

Apr 20, 2007 20:22

Sally is working on a project for her graduate class, if you could please take the time to fill out this quick survey it would be greatly appreciated. Post Anon if you like, all answers will be screened and never revealed here.

Video Game Study

Thank you for participating in the video game study. All data collected will be used in the aggregate only and no

personally identifying information will be reported or used for any purpose other than research.
The following questions will help us group your responses with the responses of others.

Student: Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior/Graduate/None
Major (if applicable) :

The next portion of the study focuses on your experience with video games. There are no right or wrong answers.

Please answer each question based on your personal experience with video games.

Which video game systems have you ever played? Check all that apply.
Nintendo (any)
Microsoft Xbox (any)
PC/Mac Games (not online)
Sony Playstation (any)
Handheld System (any)
Online Computer Games

How often do you play any type of video game? Choose one answer.
Less than once per month
Once per month
A few times per month
A few times per week

Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) allow multiple people to participate in a single game at the same time.

Players do not need to be in geographic proximity to each other. Characteristics of MMOGs include the ability for

players to chat with each other in-game, as well as the ability to cooperate with each other to achieve common in-

game goals. Examples of MMOGs include Second Life, World of Warcraft, Everquest and Star Wars Galaxies.
Do you play MMOGs?
Yes, list title(s): _______________________________________________

With this definition of MMOGs in mind, answer the following questions.

Using the scale below, where
1 = agree completely
2 = somewhat agree
3 = neutral
4 = disagree somewhat
5 = disagree completely

Rate your agreement with each of the following statements.

In real life I have many friends

I often spend time with my real-life friends

I prefer face-to-face communication

I participate in online chat rooms

I use instant messenger programs regularly

I play video games when I’m bored

I feel excited when I play video games

I play video games to escape problems or relieve feelings such as helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression

Time passes quickly when I play video games

I lose track of time when playing video games

I play MMOGs to meet new people

When I play MMOGs I feel like I am part of a group

MMOGs help me relax after a long day

I have friends in the MMOGs I play

I know some of the people I play MMOGs with in real life

People in the MMOGs accept me for who I am

When I play MMOGs, other people in-game think I’m “cool”

The way I am in the game is the way I am in real life

Playing the game lets me forget real-life problems

Playing games online can relieve pressure and create enjoyment

I create multiple characters in the game.

I create my characters of opposite gender to my own

I like to try out new roles and personalities with my characters

I create characters in video games that are different from my true personality

Thank you for your time. The questionnaire is complete.
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