Mar 28, 2005 14:15
Well...Hm spring break is here....I'm working though.
Saw miss congeniality 2, i liked it. it was cute. Hung out with Krista yesterday, we had a blast. We also talked forever about moving out...Krista asked if i would want to move out in a year and i said yes.. so i have to save like crazy.. but still, should be fine, it seems like the way we figured things out it coculd work out...just have to see what amber thinks about it...i'll find out today...
I want to play basketball...skye's not home to play with me. Maybe i can convince amber to play basketball in place of working out tehehe.. ihave to find my basketball too!!
It's beautiful outside really is!! I have my window open by my desk in the office.. it is nice.
I love Launchcast---my own radio cool is that? I love it.
So CO visit this week..awesome that it runs during spring break....took off two days from work so i can go out in service.. i love that i could do that!
Then two weekends away is the assembly..i got a cute dress for it!! I'm going to totally look 50's...cuteness. i'm stoked!
Yey!!! Alrighty...oh new phone came last friday.....happy bout that (in case u didn't know my phone fell out of my back pocket into the is worth 300 bucks...yikes!! but i only had to pay a small replacement fee...everything is fine now.)
Okay..i wanna play basketball........i get off work in a half an hour....I'll get amber to play with me...tehehehehe...muahahaha.....okay i'm done...