Title: One Way Street
WC: 530
Characters: Josh/Will
Rating: PG
Notes: for
He understood Josh the best, out of all of them, he thought. Josh, who had loss and knew how to deal with it, or at least tried his best to deal with it. It reminded him of himself, in school, angry and confused and with a father who was Force Commander of NATO … it was a lot to deal with. He thought he had problems. Then, he'd learned about the world of Josh. Of losing a sister in a fire; of a father dead on election night; of being shot in Roslyn. So it was no wonder when he got the call from Elsie that something had happened, he understood it immediately to be Josh. He just didn't know how.
"Josh?" Will approached the hospital bed. "Josh, all you had to do was talk to college students about why voting is important."
"I got hit by a bus," Josh said flatly. "On a one way street."
"You know you're supposed to look both ways …" He was teasing, teasing gently. Josh didn't seem to get it, his face scrunching up as Will's voice drifted off.
"It was a one way street!"
"Why would that matter?" He tried to look like he didn't know, tried to look in anyway confused, but couldn't; he smiled, bit his lip, tried to hold back a laugh.
Josh slumped back in his bed, looking grumpy. "One way street and I get hit because … do you know why?"
"I would imagine because it was going the other way." Jovial, again. Again over Josh's head.
"Well, Josh, you can't expect the whole world to be as smart as you. Did you at least tell the kids to vote?"
"I was too busy telling them to stop taking pictures."
"SO, you offer to help with the campaign, then all you do is leave me no choice but to staff your job out to someone else? Josh, I think I have to fire you."
"You can't fire volunteers," Josh muttered. "And besides, I quit."
"You can't quit, I fired you."
"Yeah, you watch me not quit."
"OH, shut up, you," Will snapped, leaning in and kissing Josh. Josh, to his credit, only looked mildly surprised. "Don't ever scare me like that again," Will whispered, standing to leave.
"So … I'll be back on Monday?" Josh offered.
Will just smiled and shook his head, "What sort of message would that send the media, me hiring back the incompetent staffer I just fired?"
Will was already gone, shaking his head slightly down the hallway. Josh would be back Monday morning, he knew, once Josh figured that Will wasn't really out to fire him.
It was Josh Will understood best, understood the need to take everything so seriously, the need to live as though each moment might suddenly end. And though Will understood this, he also sought to break this. Anyone else would have laughed at Will's tone in the hospital, joked back. Josh … Josh had taken it all too seriously.
If Will was going to be kissing him anymore, that needed to be remedied.