Title: Five Dresses Donna Owns
emily1982Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Donna/OFC, Donna/Bonnie
Rating: PG
Words: 2535
Feedback: Yes please. Even if it’s bad. Especially if it’s bad.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters. I wish I owned the dresses, but sadly I don’t. I do own the title, in all its lameness.
AN1: Written for
tww_minis Donna round. For
celbalrai who requested: Character you'd like paired with Donna: Any but Josh and Sam. Also, no Leo. Bonus love/points for an assistant.
2 or 3 elements you'd like included in the story: Oh. Stuck on this one. Okay, one of the ball things that the West Wing does (think The State Dinner, because you know looks fabulous in evening wear). And Donna/partner not going, for some reason. If that's too obscure, change it, by all means.
Summary: A little look into Donna’s closet. Five dresses and their places in her world.
Five Dresses Donna Owns