Title: The Bargain
raedbardFandom: TWW
Pairings: Josh/Jed
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: c. 3,500
Disclaimer: I don't pretend to be Aaron Sorkin or John Wells, nor do these characters belong to me. Because you know, if they did, this kind of stuff would happen a lot more.
Timeline/Spoilers: Nothing explicit. Section 1 takes place before S1, section 2 during 'Manchester 1&2' (contrary to the weather within) and section 3 in a Santos-governed world.
Summary: A set of moments: love in strange places and unfamiliar shapes.
A/N: Written for
littleloonlost in the Josh Round of
tww_minis. Grace had this requirement: a moment, be it angry, affectionate or anything else, that demonstrates their significance to each other.
The Bargain