Since it's August 1st, it's poll time again, guys! I know Round #2's Masterlist isn't complete yet but I do have promises from everyone who's missing, so keep checking back.
I've also added two new names to the character poll. This will become a pattern: as we lose main characters, I'll replace them with recurring and eventually minor characters so that we (try!) to cover everyone.
Poll tww_minis: Round Three A review of the dates for August (very much the same as those for July):
+ This poll will stay up for the next two days, until August 3rd. One person, one vote, again. The poll will close at midnight GMT, August 2nd.
+ August 3rd (Thursday) the sign-ups begin, following the same mode as the last round.
+ Signups close August 6th; assignments go out August 7th&8th
+ Writing time: between 9th and 28th
+ Masterlist and deadline: 29th August
Sam's round has (so far) produced some really excellent stories and I'm sure the remaining ones will rock too. Leave the writers feedback if you read - they deserve it.
Standard Disclaimer: Those who participated in last month's round don't have to write this month and vice versa and remember, if your first choice of character isn't picked this month, there's always next time.
Pimping out is adored. Go forth and vote! :)
ETA: Okay, poll closed. It's Congresswoman Andrea Wyatt for the win. (Maryland!)