(no subject)

Sep 18, 2004 01:59

The wonderful nights of the Jamba Crew:

- finishing up helping david with the close, all 6-7 of us needed to help plan for the next day that involved about 100 drinks all in boxes.

- jumping in ashley's car with shawn, katie, and her to meet david and his friend kirsten at the movies.

- cruising the parking lot of regal for about 1 minute blasting the soundtrack to Bad Boys II and watching all the people stare at us while we dance like there's no tomorrow and laugh like we are about to die, i almost did die i laughed so hard.

- viewing the most amazing movie "sky captain and the world of tomorrow" and laughing non-stop at the factors of it... "why'd you lock da door?!?!" *dynamite explodes*

- trying SO hard to steal the damn cardboard milla jovovich attached to the poster, thank you ashley and katie for trying so hard, hahahah. we shoulda just took a bite outta her leg like the other one.

- heading over to In n Out while singing at the top of our lungs Mariah Carey - "All i Want for Christmas" while doing 90 on the freeway, i never had so much fun in a car with christmas music, and yes the windows were down and the heater was on, perfection.

- talking endlessly about the stupidity of our new hires at In n Out until about 1:40 in the morning, watching shawn eat his well-done fries. and don't worry katie, we can have sex with david on the line because hey, it's okay, nothing will happen because it's okay to do drugs and do drug DEALING while at work. lets bum cigarettes while we work :) ready?.. go!

Now i am home, wishing the night could repeat itself. Shawn, i am so glad that your last nights have been so damn amazing for you. Tomorrow will be just as great, you with your waterbottles, just drink at my house afterwards, haha, you deserve it. When you get back during Christmas, a Jamba Christmas party will be awaiting you.

So now i am going to relax and sit here in my big gray sweatshirt with a cup of green tea just loving the night that just happened. Tomorrow night is the Shawn-going away-jamba party, finally one where we are all together.

These nights are the ones that i will remember forever, i had so much fun tonight and i am so happy to have the people that i have in my life.

ps. i miss someone.
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