Nov 01, 2006 10:50
I kinda borroed it from ladiez_dazed thanks!
Don't think about an answer...just put the first thing that pops into your head down.
1. My boyfriend:
Is a loving caring, wonderful man
2. I am listening:
to Allison Krauss
3. Maybe I should:
email my boy
4. I love:
The Boy
5. My parents:
Are too busy
6. I don't understand:
things in general
7. I lost:
my self confidence
8. People say:
I need help.. maybe they are right..
9. The meaning of my screen name is:
Buffy Quote…
10. Love is:
Something we all want, but its hard to get..
11. Somewhere, someone:
is probably laughing at me
12. I will always:
be one step behind
13. Forever seems like:
a very long time
14. I never want:
to be alone
15. My cell phone:
is sitting in some store waiting for me to buy it.
16. When I woke up this morning:
the house was empty
17. I get annoyed:
when stupid customers ask stupid questions” wheres the shoe department, they’re in it!
18. Parties are:
something I don’t get invited to
19. My ex:
is a loser
20. Kisses are:
rather nice
21. Today I watched:
22. Tomorrow:
I work
23. I really:
hope my plan works out