Hey! I'm looking for a long list of fics that have since been deleted from livejournal or their owners have friend-locked.
Wherein Jack is Bad and Ianto suffers by inkvictus
Just You Remember Me by laeta
Undivided Attention by kita-tatsume
Don’t Walk Away by mjzjwel
Losing Ianto by put-that-away
Cheat by Secrets-and-Smiles
The Sometimes
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Annie is better known as out_there and the fic you wanted is in two parts.
Part 1 here: https://out-there.dreamwidth.org/982989.html
Part 2 here: https://out-there.dreamwidth.org/983187.html
Some of the authors you're looking for are on dreamwidth now:
51stcenturyfox - https://51stcenturyfox.dreamwidth.org/
candy-belle - https://candy-belle.dreamwidth.org/
czarina_kitty - https://czarina-kitty.dreamwidth.org/
skellerbvvt - https://skellerbvvt.dreamwidth.org/
blackbird_song - https://blackbird-song.dreamwidth.org/
candy_belle used to be 805belladonna, but some of her fics didn't migrate over there. If there's anything you can't find, just ask me. I have most of hers.
I'm still investigating rexluscus and inkvictus. I know I have some of their fics if I can't track them down online.
I'll send you the fics on you list, plus the only other one I've found by laeta.
I can also provide what I've got by misswinterhill and christine_twfan so I'll get all those sent tonight.
lawford will take a bit longer because there are so many it's like 7 or 8 emails... I'll try to get those to you over the next few days
Found some on rexluscus' fics here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/rexluscus/pseuds/rexluscus/works?fandom_id=203
Also here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/182421/Rex-Luscus
I can also offer some frakkin_addict, christine_twfan, and misswinterhill, if any of those are of interest.
I'll star sending lawford's fics in a minute.
I'm definitely interested in some frakkin_addict, christine_twfan, and misswinterhill. I've heard nothing but good things about those authors, but I haven't been able to find their stories. Thank you in advance!
Oh, wow, you're right about a lot of the links on Candy_Belle's Dreamwidth leading to deleted entries on LJ. Would you mind sending me whatever stories you have by her? I really wish I had saved a lot of these stories before I left the Torchwood fandom back in 2010.
Thank you again!
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