Ho, ho, ho!

Dec 10, 2009 13:55

If you're here, that means we're friends, or you're friends with close friends. And in the spirits of this very traditional generic winter (or summer, if you're somewhere down the equator line) holiday, we came up with the idea of promoting a flashfic Secret Santa, just among us, friends. :D

Here's how it will work: you have until Sunday, December 13th, to decide whether you want to participate or not. In case of positive reply, say a big, warm yes to lionessvalenti by replying to her e-mail. Once you've done that, you can return to this post and leave an introduction comment to your secret santa friend. Tell him a little about you and the things you like most about Torchwood and/or Doctor Who - your favorite characters, episodes, pairings, plotholes (we all have a favorite plothole), etc. - as well as things you appreciate (or absolutely hate) in a story.

You don't have to make a formal request or suggest a prompt (unless you want to). This is just to give your secret santa author something to go on.

Sometime on the 14th, you'll receive an e-mail telling you the name of the person you'll be writing for. Check their request, see what they want and get started. The only real rule in this game is that fics should be between 1000-5000 words.

With the name of who you got, you'll also receive the password to this account, and this is where anytime between December 26th and the 31st, you'll be posting your story, anonymously. After the 1st, we'll open a reveal post.

Please, add this journal to your friends page and keep watching it. During the writing period, we'll be having random anon posts where we can all comment as anons and tease away. ;)

Feel free to email with any suggestions, questions or comments.

Post is open for your introductions. :)

Have fun, everyone!

christmas, doctor who, secret santa, torchwood, fanfiction exchange, introductions

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