Jul 11, 2005 22:44
I must say, today has been one of the best days so far this summer. Let us make a list:
A: Didn't go to work today
2: Touch Screen arrived this afternoon
D: Went for a ~20 mile bike ride through Franconia Notch
Those would be the main events. In addition, I spent much of the day working on the new case. So far its coming along swiftly. I need to wait for a few more parts to arrive, and when they do, she will be ready for final assembly. Some parts are still a little rough, but it will be in working order and cosmetically close to what I want. I will post some pics next time I think about documenting my progress. Hopefully it looks less like a microwave this time around.
On the Home Theater PC/Home Theater System front, one phrase comes to mind, Oh sweet Jesus. This is going to be amazing when its all set up at school. I am spoiling myself pretty hardcore this time. Some of the coolness; Touch screen is very very cool. Only seems mildly cool at first, but it is very awesome and kind of elite/rare. Now zoom out, the touch screen controlls the HTPC front end (front end is just fancy talk for the program that lets you select/play music and movies, etc). The Front End has a built in webserver, which roughly means that when I am at school, even if I am not in the living room, I can access the HTPC and change the music being played, or have it turn on a movie. Yeah, that means from any computer on our campus network, I can access that computer. How cool is that. Oh, and on top of that, there will be a wireless access point in our apartment, so I can use the laptop like a giant remote control. Or, if I had a wireless enabled PDA, I could use that. Amazing.
The geek is strong with this one.
Continuing the awesome, was the bike ride that we went on. The first part was pretty much down hill the whole way on a paved trail about 10 feet wide through the deep dark woods. It went downhill for about 7 miles, the last mile being the most fun. It was actually so much fun, we decided to do it again. Except this time we took a left over a river and started a long ass climb up one of the mountains in the notch. We didnt make it far before we said fuckit, and turned around. I didnt want to ride all the way back around like we had before, so we forded the river instead! That was awesome and made our ride that much more EXTREME! Then it was rush to get back to the truck before it got dark. Seven miles uphill to the truck with a 45 minute deadline. Oh, and I only brought my sunglasses, natch. We managed to make it just before sunset. I actually felt like i could have gone for a few more miles I was so pumped! Very much fun.
Enough blather for now, I will keep you all abreast of the interesting things done in the North!