If you want to participate, but don't think you'll have the time to devote to a long story or a piece of artwork, never fear, there are still ways for you to help! :D
The players:
Beta Readers
-Stories are required to be beta-ed for this challenge, and not every author has access to their own personal beta-reader. Betas are one of the most important parts of the writing challenge. You, as a beta-reader, are the person who proofreads the entire story. You check for things like grammar issues, spelling issues, punctuation, and you make sure that things make sense, that there are no plot holes, that characterization seems accurate. Your job, as a beta, is to clean away all the pesky mistakes the writer may be too caught up to notice they're making. ;)
Alpha Readers
-Having an alpha reader is not a requirement of the challenge for writers. However, alpha readers can be incredibly helpful. You are the people who hunt the story for things like characterization and plot holes. You look at the backstory, the story arc, everything. You let the writer know if something doesn't quite make sense, and you offer suggestions when needed. You work with the writer as they're writing, and offer feedback as they go. :)
-Where would the writers and artists be without their cheerleaders? You are the people who keep them going through it all. Writer's block, looming deadlines, Real Life issues that get in the way... you offer support, a shoulder to cry on when they need it, encouragement, a nagging presence when they don't think they'll be able to work without one. ;)
If any of these sound like something you think you'd be inclined to do, please take the time to sign up! Authors will have the opportunity to go through this post and decide who to contact based on what you're willing to read vs. what they're writing.
When signing up, please use the form provided:
Your username:Your e-mail address:What you're signing up as (Alpha, Beta, Cheerleader):>
What are your preferences? (Gen, Slash, Het, specific pairings, specific tropes...):Do you have anything you absolutely won't be willing to read? (pairings, themes): Please visit the
FAQ if you have any questions. Anything not answered there can be asked in comments to that post.