I am moving into the Lorax co-op on January 5th; it will be nice to have an adress. Wierd also. I need a matress and a pillow and sheets and hangers. I won't be living out of suitcases anymore.
I'm in a band called "The Virginal Sound" with my friend Leo London and his friend Matt. I am sooooo excited. Uhm....yeah....I am going to have a stage name. There are some demos up on myspace right now, but I'm not playing anything on them and they are really rough, the new recordings are super overproduced like Bowie or Spacehog would do it. It's
http://www.myspace.com/thevirginalsound if you want to check it out. I'm really excited to be in a band again, especially with Leo, he's this super nice sheik looking rocker kid who has tons of confidence and he's funny and has great ideas, and the way he talks when he is writing is the way I talk when I'm writing.
I just got back from Portland, I took the Greyhound back. It was fun/ny, Amy, Megan and I went to this lame hipster bar called "the Tube", and everyone looked the same and it was smokey as fuck in there. We need to find out our niche in Portland, if one exists... there isn't really a hangout in Eugene that I feel like I really fit into, so hopefully there's one up there.
I went on a laundry date, it was fun. My clothes are clean.