Tue, 13:02: RT @ NewYorker: Trump helped build a Baku hotel that appears to be a corrupt operation linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: https://t.co/lu…
Tue, 13:06: RT @ benwikler: RED FUCKING ALERT McCain says he'll "reluctantly" support Trumpcare if his governor does Now Arizona governor says he suppor…
Tue, 13:07: RT @ ASlavitt: BREAKING: Republican leadership now putting all eggs in Graham Cassidy. Word is no bipartisan deal and no waivers. Strong arm…
Tue, 13:08: RT @ brianefallon: Suspect in racially motivated killings is just a "clean cut American kid." Normalizing of white supremacy continues https…
Tue, 13:11: RT @ LibyaLiberty: She doesn't agree that ethnic cleansing should be prioritized above any other issue? That's not just sad. That's criminal…
Tue, 13:23: RT @ meaganmday: God, the dystopian gruesomeness of this just dawned on me. Un(der)insured patients often donate organs and marrow, rarely r…
Tue, 13:24: RT @ deray: Remember, if folks tell you that we can't afford any social program, they're lying. There's money for equity, there's not politi…
Tue, 13:25: RT @ peggywhynowhy: i really, really recommend blocking as many corporate accounts you can so you get promoted tweets like this https://t.…
Tue, 13:25: RT @ ByronTau: 1. Clinton was not asked about *contesting* election's legitimacy so this is wildly misleading. 2. No legal mechanism to do s…
Tue, 14:10: RT @ YesYoureRacist: I didn't watch the Emmys last night, but fuck every single attendee who laughed along with Sean Spicer instead of booin…
Tue, 14:11: RT @ YesYoureRacist: Wait til the conservatives calling for an ESPN boycott find out that @ FOXSports makes a point to use "Washington" inste…
Tue, 14:12: RT @ KrangTNelson: taking healthcare away from poor Americans so we can send other poor Americans overseas to kill poor foreigners https://t…
Tue, 14:12: RT @ KrangTNelson: *straight cis man caught pounding off outside a stranger's window* WISE CHRISTIAN: the real problem here is trans kids h…
Tue, 14:13: RT @ frozenblueber: every 5 days american twitter is in panic because the government is voting on whether to release ebola virus into their…
Tue, 14:14: RT @ KrangTNelson: ME: so we're the richest country? USA: yes ME: and everyone else has single-payer? USA: yes ME: can we have it USA:…
Tue, 14:15: RT @ KrangTNelson: JUST SO WERE CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR this is OVER DOUBLE the amount that the GOP is "saving" by kicking 32 million people o…
Tue, 19:33: RT @ meakoopa: one of the bad guys in the movie is a cop whose vicious, cruel mistreatment of his charge fosters the fear upon which Pennywi…
Tue, 20:17: RT @ meakoopa: "Straight Lives Matter" group hold a VOTE NO rally on site of Australia's memorial to LGBT ppl slain in Holocaust. https://t.…
Wed, 03:29: RT @ brianschatz: Under this bill, pregnancy will cost you an extra 17K. Metastatic cancer 172K. Autism 5K. Asthma 4K. This isn't a healthca…
Wed, 03:31: I asked my husband if he thought that those pushing this bill were just hoping we'd all die of despair or disease. https://t.co/4naYnBNCOU
Wed, 09:01: My week on Twitter 🎉: 8 Mentions, 16 Favorited, 1 Reply, 3 Retweets, 10.3K Retweet Reach, 25 Tweets. See yours with… https://t.co/Hrsle7TAGg
Wed, 10:36: RT @ Walldo: Tucker is exploring witchcraft. "Is this legal? Can you run around casting spells on people? Is there any kind of federal regul…
Wed, 10:46: RT @ brandonnn: this is literally me, if you need a human face to think of every time you see a "call your senator" tweet https://t.co/GSi46…
Wed, 10:46: RT @ rebelheartsgirl: Alternative headline: "Kelly Clarkson didn't want to work with a rapist and her career is still thriving" https://t.co…
Wed, 10:50: RT @ xmasape: You can't discuss the history of Toys R Us without mentioning how the horrors of 9/11 made Geoffrey briefly lose his cartoon i…