Sep 14, 2017 12:00
- Wed, 13:06: RT @ Hamm_Tips: Here's a peek at why artists can't draw 2+ pages per day anymore.
- Wed, 13:07: RT @ Karnythia: All of your "How not to get raped" tips? Complete & total horseshit. Start teaching people not to be rapists. That might wor…
- Wed, 13:38: Naked shower gel?
- Wed, 18:15: RT @ ReignOfApril: This thread is a WORD.
- Wed, 18:15: RT @ CharlesPPierce: I’m fed up with living in a country where a massacre doesn’t even make the top of the news anymore…
- Wed, 18:16: RT @ red3blog: "White is a slur!" "Racist is a slur!" "Bro is a slur!" "TERF is a slur!" "I dunno. The n-word is just, like, a word, man. Ca…
- Wed, 18:16: RT @ quasimado: What the 2 deadliest mass shootings this year have in common --> they both involve men targeting their ex-wives…
- Wed, 18:16: RT @ RachaelAtWork: You'd be surprised the number dudes that say this to me, an adult woman, so this was v satisfying
- Wed, 18:17: RT @ YousefMunayyer: He died in custody, no one is responsible? This is what white supremacy looks like; total impunity for brutalization of…
- Wed, 18:25: RT @ astroehlein: A loss for compassion and a victory for fear-mongering.
- Wed, 18:26: RT @ AP: The Latest: Japanese lawmaker urges Japan to do more to calm escalating tensions between the U.S. and North Korea.…
- Wed, 18:27: RT @ AP: History of Syria's civil war at risk of disappearing as tech giant YouTube reins in content, @ seldeeb reports.…
- Wed, 18:28: RT @ astroehlein: And don't forget DR;JTL - "Didn't read, just tweeted the link"
- Wed, 18:30: RT @ ira: lol economic anxiety
- Wed, 18:30: RT @ AngryBlackLady: But at least everyone seems to recognize that Black women weren't fooled by any of the bullshit. So. Center us or l…
- Wed, 18:31: RT @ AngryBlackLady: I don't understand ppl who get upset when a simple fact is stated. He's not a democrat. He is proud of it. But when HRC…
- Wed, 18:32: RT @ AngryBlackLady: My revolution was started by black queer women. I don't know what the hell the rest of y'all are doing.…
- Wed, 18:33: RT @ PattyArquette: Funny they don't want background checks at gun shows but they want them before voting-
- Wed, 18:33: RT @ KherisPoppin: I just made history as #NYFW youngest fashion designer EVER! I am only 11 years old and made it while encouraging people…
- Wed, 18:34: RT @ AngryBlackLady: Reasons. Just... reasons.
- Wed, 18:34: RT @ AngryBlackLady: They're STILL telling lies about Marissa Jenae and the Seattle BLM disruption. The way they smeared her afterwards was…
- Wed, 18:37: RT @ ava: I mean. Thank you. I can't even, I... I'm just gonna say thank you. *shakes head, hands on hips, deep breaths, out through the nos…
- Wed, 18:41: RT @ Reuters: Halimah Yacob formally elected Singapore's first woman president
- Wed, 18:41: RT @ ai_valentin: Ableds, are you listening to disabled people SCREAMING about this? Or are you eating some sheet cake?…
- Wed, 18:43: RT @ Attenboroughs_D: No raccoon left behind. #Teamwork
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ anamariecox: It’s infuriating @ KatyTurNBC would have to be the one to worry about being taken seriously after this. But that’s how harr…
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ thehill: Trump Organization deletes birther crusade from Trump's website bio
- Wed, 18:44: RT @ itsgabrielleu: This
- Wed, 18:46: RT @ CharlesPPierce: Well, Tucker Carlson is still on TV...
- Wed, 18:46: RT @ ira: pretends-to-be-shocked.gif
- Wed, 18:46: RT @ Kendragarden: This tweet hasn't aged well.
- Wed, 18:47: RT @ thehill: Cruz blames "staffing issue" for official Twitter account "liking" porn
- Wed, 18:49: RT @ LibyaLiberty: Acknowledging the threat of white supremacist terrorism disrupts "muzlamics & immigrants are the scourge we must unite to…
- Wed, 18:50: RT @ ajhackwith: No one but disabled folk are talking about this bill. That shames all of us. But we can change that. Thread.…
- Wed, 18:52: RT @ thehill: Congress votes unanimously to ban Trump Justice Dept from seizing assets of people suspected of crimes…
- Wed, 18:54: RT @ devah_pager: There's been no change in the level of hiring discrimination facing African Americans in over 25 years…
- Wed, 18:54: RT @ Mediaite: Twitter Account Associated with Ted Cruz’s Porn Like is Now Selling Merch: ‘Ted’s Right Hand Man’ htt…
- Wed, 18:55: RT @ sahilkapur: House & Senate unanimously pass a measure condemning white supremacists and telling Donald Trump to deal with them. https:/…
- Wed, 23:02: RT @ SeanMcElwee: Republicans are pushing to make the IRS more aggressively target poor folks, helping the rich evade taxes.…
- Wed, 23:03: RT @ ira: My favorite thing about Twitter conservatives who flare up about "racism" is they never seem devoted to stamping it out in their d…
- Wed, 23:04: RT @ TransComics: Stop giving image a pass people. Never forget what Thal is saying here
- Wed, 23:05: RT @ InternetHippo: me (standing in the wreckage of my house): if only.....millionaires had more money
- Thu, 01:06: RT @ MikeDrucker: I will lose myself in this world, allowing my body to decay as the Earth turns to cinders.
- Thu, 01:06: RT @ RoyalHoeliness: The Bodega app succinctly summarizes all the terrible tone-deafness of tech
- Thu, 01:07: RT @ 1aprildaniels: Do not buy the new Life is Strange game. Support voice actors!
- Thu, 01:09: RT @ law_newz: DMV Says No to District Attorney’s ‘Hang Em’ License Plate
- Thu, 01:09: This fucking asshole...
- Thu, 01:10: RT @ Mediaite: Entire Arab-American Family Arrested After Father Tries To Deposit Check
- Thu, 01:12: RT @ law_newz: Authorities Consider Felony Charges After Pets Tied Up, Abandoned in Hurricane
- Thu, 01:13: RT @ ComicPrintingUK: Is... Apple threatening me?
- Thu, 01:14: RT @ DCComics: Can Harley make an ally out of thin air (or acrylics)?? Read digital-first #DCSUPERHEROGIRLS: OUT OF THE BOTTLE #11! https://…
- Thu, 01:15: RT @ APWestRegion: Best friends forever? These two baby tigers are hitting it off at the San Diego Zoo.…
- Thu, 01:16: RT @ evepeyser: the internet was a mistake
- Thu, 01:18: It was me. THE SPERM ASSASSIN.
- Thu, 01:19: RT @ JuddLegum: I lost my house in the hurricane TRUMP: Sorry about that, here's a corporate tax cut I still have no house TRUMP: You're…
- Thu, 01:19: RT @ ditzkoff: Two Ex-Googlers Want to Find a Legal Way to Make You Pay Them For Life-Sustaining Oxygen
- Thu, 01:19: RT @ ditzkoff: "There ain't no iPhone 9 and there never was"
- Thu, 01:19: RT @ ditzkoff: #AppleEvent
- Thu, 01:20: RT @ ditzkoff: America: Let's use this day for reflection and remembrance. Fox News:
- Thu, 01:21: RT @ ditzkoff: [checks to see how Steve Bannon is faring on 60 minutes]