Fri, 16:28: RT @ meganamram: Betsy DeVos wants all boys to carry rape-allegation-whistles, in case a crazy girl tries to accuse them of rape
Fri, 16:29: RT @ APWestRegion: A tiny beetle is killing billions of trees in the western US, making them dangerous for wildfire crews. Story: https://t.…
Fri, 16:29: RT @ astroehlein: Azerbaijan's dictatorship is suing two French journalists for calling it a dictatorship. It's what dictatorships do. https…
Fri, 22:20: RT @ jwilcox79: POTUS & GOP trying to ram tax cuts for 1% as a "pay raise" for Americans while killing a legitimate pay raise for millions.…
Fri, 22:22: RT @ davidwynne: Interesting that over 80% of the 500+ accounts retweeting my queer history thread are protected. Shows we still don't feel…