Apr 08, 2007 04:56
0456 hrs.
proof of my random thought patterns:
driving home tonight i was enjoying the delightful tunes of The Smiths when i developed this connection/theory (not the word i wanted but its what came to mind)/insight. Pretty Girls Make Graves got thier name from a Smiths song and now they have a direct link to The Smiths as so: PGMG bassist Derek Fudesco was in The Murder City Devils with Dan Gallucci who was also in Modest Mouse who added Johnny Marr as a member who played guitar for The Smiths.
oh what late night drives from Atlanta can do to a person. and i hate using capital letters and having to put that damned "shift" key into function.
so far the road to reaching my goal is going well. this week is looking easy on the wallet as well.
calendar (subject to change):
monday - yard work, tuesday - finish yard work if not done already; work at night, wednesday - work or MJQ, thursday - work, friday - show in calhoun, saturday - work if previous nights were not satisfactory and/or no better plans
as this project closes in on finished and as ive been watching it take shape...i realize that ive still got it. not to boast, but it looks good. ill stick up before and after pictures when its done.
i hate when i say im not going to do something but end up doing it anyway. its not lack of control or lack of will power, its more of "whatever" instance. what about you, do you it?
this month im attending Brand New, next month im attending Modest Mouse, i want to attend cursive and against me! but ill be in florida then and thier orlando date just wont work with my schedule and being on tight funds down there its a wiser decision not to, im considering attending saves the day and say anything but seriously debating because in my past experiences neither band is very good live.
every pool of water reminds me of you
weapon of choice: saves the day