*He finally asks me out and he's leaving for tour in like a week. We have perfect timing now don't we. Blah.
*Show Friday in San Marcos I'm going unless I die tomorrow but ehh I don't see that happening. I'm excited to see everyone again it's been awhile. I hope he comes. Oh and my friend Daniel said he was going to come but we'll see i need to get my little jock into good music or at least we can talk about binge drinking all night haha can't wait.
*Mercedes made me the greatest picture ever which is now hangin next to my car calendar Aaron Oh Aaron! I love when people make art for me it's like the greatest thing ever. I still have Jessy's whale she drew on a napkin at Dennys for me Forever ago and Tim drew me some things and Brandt and Andy and I just love getting artwork so if you love me draw me something and you KNOW it will go on my walls because EVERYTHING goes on my walls or if its super cool it will end up in my scrapbook.
*Oh yea any band kids want me to send their cds to the East Coast let me know I'm sending Jesse and package so he can get addicted to Cali and move out here.
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Go-Quiz.comSorry I stole it Jesse