BackDating Journals and Working Gripes

Sep 10, 2007 18:45

I wrote these on Friday and Saturday, just forgot to post them. lol. Here they are:

From Friday Night:
Not much excitement this week. A-Train and I watched “The Seven Samurai”, an old 1950s black-n-white movie. It was pretty cool and I was surprised that I never got bored during a movie that was 3:30 long with subtitles!

Today started off awesome but then during my live show everything suddenly went to black. I told the producer in L.A. that I had lost him and he said, “Cool, just stay with us.” So I did. Then my DOA comes running in and yells at the producer, “We don’t have video or audio!” And the producer goes, “WHAT? YOU DON’T?”

Okay, was the producer just trying to make me look bad? I mean, I CLEARLY told him that very same thing 10 seconds ago. COME ON. So we finally got back on air and my DOA turns and says, “I’ll call a supervisor.” And then he picks up the phone and goes, “Mark” (I changed his name, lol) “Hey, Mark, this is me, we just…” And he explains what happened in detail right?

Well, about an hour later when the supervisors come around, Mark turns to me and goes, “So when did this all happen?” And I explain that it’s now been about an hour. And he sneers and goes, “And WHY did you wait an hour to tell any supervisor about this?”

So I’m blinking in shock and then I go…”Um, my DOA picked up the phone and called YOU. He said, Mark. So I assumed he was already talking to you. I was sitting right beside him.”

My supervisor gave me a blank look and goes, “He didn’t call me.”

So I’m like, “Well, is there another supervisor named Mark?”

And he goes, “No.”

So we all sort of drop it confused and he tells me to always call anyway. (How stupid would that have been, really? My DOA calls a supervisor, he hangs up the phone and then I call right back and tell the exact same story? I have other things to set up then reiterate what you just heard for goodness’ sake!)

So yeah, that was tonight. I went out during my lunch break, breathed in our warm humid air and just watched the stars twinkling and that made me feel immensely better.

Oh well, back to playing The Sims!

And Saturday Night:
I asked for a new schedule yesterday. It’ll be easier than the one I have now (no more live distribution to the world) but it’ll be a nice change and I’ll get Fridays/Saturdays off. I didn’t get a response though and now I think the Higher-Up’s think I can’t handle the workload and just want better weekends.

I think this only because today during a live HD game, I had everything under control and I was halfway through setting up the next game (I had just sat down, too) and my boss walks in and asks me the question, “Have you finished setting up your next re-air yet?”

To which I say, “Almost, I got down to where I need to incue my last segment.”

He gives me this look like, “Why haven’t you done that?” but doesn’t say anything.

I assume the answer is obvious since the HD dude's counting to me and I’m getting ready to roll my next break. Therefore, the unanswered answer to the unasked question is, “I’ll do it right after I roll this break.”

He must not have got that though because he looks at me in all seriousness and asks, “Do you KNOW how to incue?”

Okay. I tried my best not to be highly offended by this statement. Number one, we were live on mic, so everyone heard my boss questioning my competence on something every trainee should know how to do, let alone me who’s now been here officially 2 years. Of COURSE I know how to incue, I incue just about everyday because of these darn games! But I couldn’t say all that over the mike, so I just gave him a surprised look and nodded. Then after I rolled the break, I quickly incued my last segment to show him.

Blah. Me and supervisors lately. I sense a growing dislike of me from them. Yup, they don't like me.
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