Dear people who never comment on my posts or interact with me in any way online.

May 12, 2010 20:27

I have decided to cut a bunch of people off my friends list. If you never comment on my posts or otherwise interact directly with me, I have removed you or will probably do so soon.
To me, Livejournal isn't a blog platform. It's a communication/social networking platform.

How do you feel about lurkers? They kind of creep me out... even when they're people I know and love. I never know if they read what I write and just don't say anything (because they're judgmental of it, perhaps?) or if they never log onto LJ (usually not the case, as most of them write lots of long entries themselves). I'm not sure why people friend other people who they have no intent of actually interacting with. I've done it myself, but it still confuses me. So I'm going to stop feeling weird because I don't know who is actually reading my posts, and just restrict my friends list to people who have made it clear they care to be in communication.

Hope there's no hard feelings.

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