Nov 06, 2006 22:10
Hey ppl just wanted to let you know Im alright. Israels fucking awesome and Im have quite possibly the best time of my life. Anyway shits going like butter. Im working in a Kitchen and picking up some Hebrew along the way. Through it all Im surviving.
Jeez, I wish I had time to write all about how I feel here. I want to tell you guys about the ups and downs in Israel; the highs and lows and such. I wish I had more time on the comp to tell you how one could feel so at home somewhere yet feel utterly alien at the same time. Just being here brings back so many memories from when i visited this place as a youngin. I cant believe that I recall some parts of Tel Aviv and how to menuever my way through Deizengoff St all the way to Ben Yehuda and Gordon Beach.
My feelings toward Israel have changed so much since I arrived here. See, us American Jews usually have a very naive view of Israel. Lifes quite different here than in America. I was a little prepared for this but generally Israel always finds ways to surprise. One of the things thats so hard to fathom while living here is that Israels enemys are only miles away. Life (generally speaking) seems so peaceful here (but Im sure that since I havent read a newspaper since August adds to that feeling). While Lebenon will haunt Olmert and the Kadima party for quite some time, most Israelis seem to have forgotten or perhaps chose to forget or perherps to accept such a fiasco as Israeli life.
Anyway Ive got to head to bed soon. One of the best experiences of Israel so far is its humor which is equally funny as it is dry. Most of the humor comes in reaction to the hardships most Israels face due to international conflicts and personal life (in Israel the two are usually directly related though). Im not exactly sure however how many of these problems are real or just Israeli's whining about their dilemmas (perhaps a mixture of both). A popular saying in Israel is, "Life in the Garbage" which one could say sums up an Israelis outlook on life. Im not too sure how to explain it but In a way to deal with the hardships, there is a rough and dry humor that developed out of Israel.
Anyway thats it for now. Reply and such, Ill try to respond when I can. Bye.