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england_giles October 17 2010, 02:13:33 UTC
Once Dawn and Buffy had left, he and Jenny closed up shop and decided to head home for the night. As it had been such a pleasant, cool morning, they had opted to walk to the shop. Now, with how chilly it had become after nightfall, Giles was half-regretting that decision.

"We could easily call a cab," he offered, but Jenny shook her head.

"I like it. It's perfect fall weather." So they'd continued on, slowing their walk to a stroll.

All around them, various songs and melodies could be heard. One couple passed them by, arguing in song about what movie to see at the cinema. Then, further down the road there had been a baker that came out of his shop, reciting a melody about certain pastries they were giving away for free before closing up for the night. He and Jenny exchanged smiles, slightly amused at the new epidemic to hit the town.

Until, of course, they reached the Bronze. There were a couple police cars scattered about, and various eyewitnesses singing their stories to various officers. He and Jenny traded confused glances, and he overheard a few melodies that told him someone had been killed.

"Killed?" Jenny quirked a brow, and glanced toward the door of the Bronze. "Can we check it out?"

"There are police all over, Jenny. How will we possibly--"

He was interrupted mid-sentence as an officer crossed between he and Jenny, following a frantic bystander singing, "It happened right before my eyes, it came as quite a surprise..."

As they got further away, the song faded, and Giles turned once more to his wife. "On second thought, they do seem to have their hands full."

She nodded. "Right. So..." And without further ado, she marched toward the Bronze.

Giles flicked his brows upward, following after her as he muttered, "Suppose we could just sing our way out of trouble if it came down to it."


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