
Aug 04, 2010 22:06

Jenny awoke the next morning with a loud pained groan, rolling into her stomach and frowning at the headboard through half-open eyes. "Rupert?" she called out groggily.

"Not so loud, dear," he murmured, voice airy and quiet. He, too, seemed to groan with the slightest movement.

Her lips slipped into a pout as the headache set in, a dull throbbing ache hitting her between the eyes. She covered them with her hands, rubbing slowly before moving to massage her temples. "Okay," she groaned. "Maybe having a few drinks to take our minds off things wasn't the best idea."

Her husband just grunted a bit of painful agreement and Jenny let her cheek hit the pillow, hair falling messily over her face.

Seeing what Willow was capable of had gotten to her; rattled her to the point that she had become downright nervous. So her husband had brought her a glass of scotch to help calm her nerves, along with one for himself.

There had been a second and then a third glass, and... maybe there had been a glass or two of wine in there as well. "Did you..." Jenny frowned, trailing off briefly as she struggled to piece together hazy memories of the night before. "Did you sing along to my Manilow CD?"

"God," he groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face before sighing roughly, letting his arm fall to his side. She was ready for him to give her that aghast look, ready for him to deny it. Instead, he frowned up at the ceiling. "That must be why I have 'Mandy' in my head."

Jenny giggled, then promptly winced and let out a soft, "Ow..."

"You alright, darling?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Just fine." She nodded with eyes closed and squinted shut, her thumb and forefinger pinching the bridge of her nose. "Rupert, didn't we make a deal where we wouldn't drink ourselves silly anymore?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, when we drink, we have a tendency to forget details such as that."

Jenny groaned again, pouting at him as she continued to lay on her tummy, cheek against the pillow. She reached over half-heartedly, swiping at his hand until she was able to gather enough strength to grasp it. "How do you feel?"

"I feel... vaguely like roadkill, Jenny."

She nodded her understanding, then watched as he frowned thoughtfully to himself, reaching under the covers. "And... I appear to be naked as well."

"You're not alone there," she told him, for the first time registering her own lack of clothing under the sheets.

He swiveled his head on the pillow and she watched his eyes swim out of focus for a second from the motion, going slightly glassy. With a blink, he was back to normal. "Did we have sex last night?"

"Probably." As if in answer to his question, her body began to ache in a very specific place, and she nodded. "Yeah, actually. We definitely had sex."

"You remember?"

"My body does."

"Ah." He frowned thoughtfully again, then with great difficulty swiveled his head to look at her again. "How was it, do you suppose?"

Despite the pain still radiating throughout her head, Jenny let out a short, gruff laugh. "We were blasted out of our minds, Rupert. How do you think it was?"

Without missing a beat, he replied, "Fast and unimaginative."

"Mmm." She closed her eyes, squeezing his hand. "Once we get rid of our headaches, I'll let you shower with me. We can make up for last night then."

"Sounds wonderful." After another beat, their eyes met. With even greater difficulty, Rupert turned onto his side, his hand never relinquishing hers as Jenny still laid on her tummy. He slithered close, kissing her shoulder before sweeping her hair off it, stroking her bare skin. "D'you feel any better? A-About Willow, I mean. Clearly not physically."

"Right," she smiled. "I feel... less tense, obviously, because I'm too busy wondering when I got hit by a truck last night..." Off his smirk, she grinned, reaching out to run her thumb across his bottom lip. "As for the rest of it... I dunno." She shrugged one shoulder. "I don't know how to feel today."

!episodic, !multi-episodic, rating: pg, season: 5, 055 - spiral

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