Grave Synopsis: Giles and Jenny arrive from England to stop Willow before she goes too far, but she's already gone. And the storm that's been brewing between Jenny and her estranged protegé finally leads to a battle of epic proportions, one that could easily end the world unless someone can reach Willow's last spark of humanity in time.
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Bahahaha. But, YES! YES, she is indeed pregnant. Figured I teased the idea long enough. Gotta follow-through. :D
I'm SO SO happy you enjoyed this! I've had the ending to this 'episode' written since May, and have been slowly working through the rest of it in my head. I was way too excited to do this one, and I'm so happy you all were on board for the ride!!
It was like it was choreographed, but not in an unrealistic way! In a we-are-totally-in-sync-with-each-other-in-this-bad-ass-magically-enhanced-state-we-can-kick-everybody's-asses-from-here-'til-kingdom-come way! Which is Giles and Jenny's relationship to a T, wouldn't you say? :D Hehehe. Even allllll the way back in "I Robot, You Jane" they worked together flawlessly. And had some awesome moments of sexy snark while they were at it! :D
(Jenny looks BEYOND good in red. It's not even fair) She DOES. Guh. Of course, I may be biased, because I tend to think Robia LaMorte looks fabulous in pretty much any color ever created. I think she'd even make puce look attractive, LOL. Which is no easy task.
They needed that little moment of you vs. me, because it's been building between them since season TWO practically. And that's one of the bits I was most excited about too! I was definitely looking forward to having Jenny and Giles fighting together, but more excited about doing the Jenny/Willow stuff, purely for the reason you mentioned -- it's been building up for SO long by this point. So, I'm glad you liked that part. :D
I LOVE the way you described the protection spell showing how Willow couldn't take Jenny's powers. FABULOUS! Thank you!! I was kind of unsure how to describe what I saw in my head -- the 'bubble' for the spell, in my mind, wasn't really one of those perfect, round bubbles -- in my mind, I saw it as the kind that changes shape depending on how Jenny moves. If that makes sense.
Thank you for your comments on the Jenny/Giles emotion stuff too. That was a lot of fun to do, because I got to take them to that OMG!DRAMATIC EMOTIONS place, since they think they're gonna lose each other. It was always so heartbreaking, but so gorgeous, when Giles would get all torn up with worry over Jenny. Like in Dark Age, when he was practically crying as he said the whole, "I don't know how to stop it without killing Jenny" thing. OH, MY HEART. :'(
Also -- I'm kind of a sucker for upside-down kisses, hehehe. So that HAD to go in there. :D
He's so scared, and he calls her a dreadful woman, which always lends my thoughts to season 1&2 snarkiness and lovliness! <3 Heeee! Thank you for getting that ref. Wanted to do a callback to one of their S1 moments there. :D
That makes COMPLETE sense. I see it, no worries. :)
Like in Dark Age, when he was practically crying as he said the whole, "I don't know how to stop it without killing Jenny" thing. OH, MY HEART. :'( YES! I die a death every single time I see that. My heart is wrenched out of my chest and then broken into a million little pieces on the floor. It's wrong.
It's actually mildly embarrassing how fangirlishly excited about the fact that they're pregnant. Ever since I read it, I've burst into fits of giggles at random moments during the day AND NOBODY AROUND ME KNOWS WHY! D:
I'm excited for this little baby DON'T THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT GENDER IT IS! ;). Words cannot even encompass how much.
Oh God, that moment in Dark Age is just... gah. The EMOTION he gets in his voice when he worries about Jenny is just nothing short of genius on Anthony Head's part.
Hehehehe! I was hoping that ending would make a few of you happy. And as I had mentioned in earlier chapters, this storyline won't take the front seat in any way -- the season seven canon will still be front-and-center, but it'll still be going on on the sidelines. ;D
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