Fortune Teller Synopsis: Jenny utilizes the Coven to learn more about her past. To do so, she must call upon Angel for help, and together they go into his memories and revisit when he was cursed with a soul. In the process, Jenny learns a lot more than she bargained for.
Please leave any feedback here for 'Fortune Teller.'
"I think we did." Smirking, she teased, "I'm pretty sure it was right before I asked you to take your pants off."
... asked or demanded? Because knowing Jenny, it was "RUPERT. PANTS OFF. NOW." Thats just how she is.
Oh. LOL! I totally had the above sentence typed before I read any further. Swear to god.
And then I came across this:
"And for the record, darling, you never asked that I remove my pants. You downright demanded."
She smirked and rolled her eyes, laying her head on his chest again. "Either way, I don't remember any complaints."
...PSSSH Nah. I dont know Jenny's character at ALL. AHAHAHA. That was amazing. Sorry. Moving on.
I'm excited for this chapter. I've always, always been into Jenny's past, almost as much as to write an entire fic about it. I never found the time to, though. And its so awesome that you're unraveling it. You'd do a much better job at this than I would.
AND YESSS, ANGEL IS COMING BACK. Heeee. My Inner Angel/Jenny shipper will never be displeased to see him in a chapter. Seriously. I go all melty fangirlly when I see him around Jenny. Its pathetic.
But nothing, not even A/J, will replace R/J for me. Ever.
... Lol at Jenny making fun of his Irish accent.
HEE. I got way too into that chapter to flip back and forth between leaving feedback and leaving. You beautifully set up Jenny and Angels past. Much much better than what I had in mind. Seriously, its kind of a relief to know Angel didnt actually kill Serena - but had fallen in love with her. And thats what holds his connection to Jenny. Its just... God, its amazing. Seriously, 99.9% of the time I feel like a complete idiot when I leave feedback on your chapters anymore. You write so amazingly that I usually can't even find words to express how I'm feeling, and thus I leave stupid feedback responses that simply say "o.o IT WAS AMAZING" - and thats so underrated and lame. Because it was much much more than amazing. This chapter is one of my top favorites now, especially because its centered around Jenny and Angel. Funny how a lot of my favorite chapters are centered around them. XD
I'm a book nerd, and out of every book I've ever read - your little AU tops them all. I couldn't ask for a better person to write this.
On a lighter note, do you plan to touch back on Ruperts past, too? Because that'd be pretty cool. Also, I love how Jenny dreamed of the impending doom caused by Willow. I'm so freaking excited for that chapter, you have no idea.
(Or maybe you do, because... y'know. You're writing it.)
SERIOUSLY cannot wait for the next chapter. And WOOO IM ALL CAUGHT UP NOW. It only look nearly 2.5-3 hours of reading. (Among doing other things. I have around 8 different tabs open right now, 2 of which are Twosome.)
Told you I'd get caught up tonight. No punching or whoopie cushioning necessary. Hopefully I can stay on top of things better these next coming weeks.
You deserve lots and lots of HTML hearts for all the work you do.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
>> Alright. I'm done being silly now. Bye!
Clearly, I was stupid and copy/pasted the comment three or four times in one post. Not sure how that happened XD Sorry! Also, there are way more hearts up there than LJ decided to post. My love for you and your story is infinite. LJ lies by cutting the amount of hearts I posted down.
LJ really needs an error message for that: "YOU ALREADY POSTED THAT. JEEZ." Bahahaha. :D
I've always, always been into Jenny's past, almost as much as to write an entire fic about it. I never found the time to, though. I've always been intrigued with Jenny's past too -- she never seemed very 'gypsy'-ish, though at the same time it kinda fits. And now that you mention it, I think I remember that! That's a bummer you never got around to it, though. I'd love to read your take on her past!
My Inner Angel/Jenny shipper will never be displeased to see him in a chapter. Seriously. I go all melty fangirlly when I see him around Jenny. Its pathetic. HEEEE! And I knew if nobody else managed to get enjoyment out of this chapter, that you definitely would. Because you and I (and always_a_boom, a little bit) pretty much make up the entirety of the A/J fandom, LOL. We would have very sad fan-club meetings (but AWESOME, because we're brilliant for seeing the sexy potential).
And nothing will ever replace Giles/Jenny for me either, but HOLY CRAP I love me some Angel/Jenny. It's gotta be one of my fave guilty-pleasure ships :D
Lol at Jenny making fun of his Irish accent. AHAHAHA. I HAD TO. That accent was just... ugh. I'm SO happy that David's pretty, let's just put it that way, lol.
Seriously, its kind of a relief to know Angel didnt actually kill Serena - but had fallen in love with her. And thats what holds his connection to Jenny. Its just... God, its amazing. Awww, thank you. And honestly, that idea was kind of the driving force behind the creation of this chapter. I remember months ago just having a thought like, "What if the crime Angel was cursed for was the one crime he didn't actually commit?" and then of course I took a page from Spike's book (he was able to fall in love with Buffy before he got a soul) to dovetail it with his thing with Jenny. I'm glad I was finally able to get that idea out, and that you enjoyed it in the process. :)
Funny how a lot of my favorite chapters are centered around them. XD Hehehe. Just as funny as how a lot of my fave chapters to write have been heavy with J/A too ;)
I'm a book nerd, and out of every book I've ever read - your little AU tops them all. I couldn't ask for a better person to write this. Wow. Thank you SO much, you have no idea how much that means to me. I've put so much of my heart into this project, and I really hope that shines through in the writing. When my former writing partner abandoned the ship and this went from back-and-forth RP to regular fanfiction, I wasn't sure how well it would be received. I am continually floored by how much reception it's gotten in that time. You guys, your reactions and comments, help to mold and shape where the story goes, and I'm thankful for that every day. I feel like you guys have helped me to become a better writer just through all the support and understanding you've provided in the last year. So thank you so much for that. I truly mean it when I say I never could have taken the story this far without you. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (<--Those hearts go to infinity as well)
On a lighter note, do you plan to touch back on Ruperts past, too? Because that'd be pretty cool. I DO, yes! His past has always fascinated the heck out of me too (and I still wish Joss would've done that 'Ripper' spinoff), so I definitely wanted to touch on that before the series ends. I'm planning to revisit Giles' past in a 2-parter I'm working on for season seven (right now I'm thinking it'll be somewhere in early- to mid-season). :D
Thank you again, so much as always, for your kind words, sweetie. They're appreciated so very much. ♥ ♥ ♥
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