Fortune Teller Synopsis: Jenny utilizes the Coven to learn more about her past. To do so, she must call upon Angel for help, and together they go into his memories and revisit when he was cursed with a soul. In the process, Jenny learns a lot more than she bargained for.
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I could never bring myself to hate Darla either! She was too BAMFy, I kinda loved her instead. And I've heard she's even more awesome on the Angel spin-off. But I'm glad you thought that was IC for her, because I had NO idea how to write Darla, lol.
OK SEE NOW I'M PICTURING TORTURED!VAMPIRE!JENNY. AND IT'S STILL HOT. It would have been SO AWESOME if Angel had turned Jenny into a vampire instead of just flat-out killing her. Think of how hot they would've been all soulless together! And then when they got their souls back, they could've been all angsty together -- she could've been back with Giles, he could've been back with Buffy, and then Buffy and Giles could've been all "LOL we're both dating vamps, WUT" and it would've been GLORIOUS. /tangent #87435
ALSO, (omg, another weird rant), I LOVE the sort of symmetry with canon here. OMG I never even NOTICED that before. You are just all kinds of deep, my sweet! WHY AREN'T YOU IN MINNESOTA, WE NEED TO HANG AND BE GENERALLY AWESOME IN THE SAME PLACE.
THE IMAGES. The images of the white shirt and the blood, and the words on the skin, and the plaid fabric being torn - it's so blurred and unspecific but so so recognizable, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. THANK YOU THANK YOU! I almost watched those episodes again, because I was only remembering those tiny parts that I wanted to include, and then thought it might be better if I just describe them as I remember them rather than getting the full visual again, so it's more like a hazy dream. I AM SO HAPPY THAT CAME ACROSS PROPERLY, ALKDFJSLDF.
THERE IS GONNA BE SO MUCH PAIN :'( YES THERE IS, AND I AM SO F*CKING READY TO BRING THE PAIN. I wanna write TtG & Grave RIGHT EFFING NOW, but I feel like I need to do one more (Hell's Bells) instead of randomly jumping ahead five months in time to get to the good stuff. SOON.
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