Fortune Teller Synopsis: Jenny utilizes the Coven to learn more about her past. To do so, she must call upon Angel for help, and together they go into his memories and revisit when he was cursed with a soul. In the process, Jenny learns a lot more than she bargained for.
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Prepare for some spasmodically organized reviewing.
AFTERMATH OF SEXYTIMES FTW! SERIOUSLY, I DON'T EVEN NEED THE SMUT JUST GIMME THE AFTERMATH! I know it happened, so I'm immediately as satisfied as Jenny, lying there, all sexy wrapped in the tousled blankets! AND SEXY, SEXY GILES IN HIS BOXERS! WANT NOW.
would you like me to walk across the room again? YES PLEASE! :)
I love that Giles doesn't even remember if they kissed at midnight! Such is the power of their sexyness. :)
Poor Giles! *huggles*
Her connection with the vampire was so incredibly potent; and he never really did trust Angel. Part of me is like: suck it up Rupert! Jenny loves YOU NOT ANGEL! ALL THEY HAVE IS PASSION (WHICH I WILL GET TO LATER YOU GENIUS, YOU!).
But the rest of me is going: GAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW... He hates the idea of Angel and Jenny together alone, but he puts it aside because he LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES HER!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
OH! Forgot to mention: loveloveLOVE that Jenny doesn't really remember her past as Janna, because SHE IS TOTALLY JENNIFER GILES FROM NOW UNTIL FOREVER! <3
Then I met some guy and got a little distracted. Yup. Yup you did. ;)
LOL! The irish accent. I will forever and for always laugh like a maniac whenever I hear Angel and his accent. Stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's that awful.
With the passion!
So much thick gravy goodness involved in this.
So. SO much.
When Vivian was all: I got the sense that the passion may be... misplaced, in a way. Transferred. I instantly sat up straighter, and got this happy, warm feeling in my chest. YUS! I WILL KNOW WHY ANGEL IS SO STUPIDLY OBSESSED WITH JENNY EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS THAT SHE WILL FOREVER AND FOR ALWAYS BE RUPERT'S!
HOLY CRAP! IT'S JENNY BUT NOT! I can see Jenny in all of this gypsy-wear and all I can think of is: DAMN! I SEE SMUT POTENTIAL IN THIS! Because she'd be sexy as HELL in that outfit, all mysterious, and all-knowing and HAWT!
And from what I'd been told, Watchers couldn't marry. hee. :)
"Do you have any idea what that feels like, to have someone in your grasp who knows you better than you know yourself?"
Jenny nodded, meeting his eyes. "Yes. I do."
He searched her eyes. "And you lost him?"
"No." Staring at the scene still taking place in front of her, Jenny smiled just slightly. "I married him."
Most epic win of life!
THANK YOU VIVIAN FOR GIVING GILES THE PROVERBIAL SMACK UPSIDE THE HEAD THAT I WANTED!!! (PS I actually LOVE Vivian. Something about her just tickles me pink. <3)
"Passion is a fleeting intensity," Vivian went on. "It's like this candle." She gestured to the candle on the table, still burning. "It burns until there's nothing left. Love is what lasts -- it never burns out."
WOAH! Enyos. Did NOT see that one coming, but I likey. :)
The staking was rul sad. the only time I've actually felt sad for Angel.
Even through the entire Buffy series, I never ONCE felt sorry for him, but you managed to do it.
Also: I kissed her. Told her I loved her. And then...I killed her.
Poor Jenny just doesn't quite get why Giles will never really get over that night. She can move one because, well... quite frankly, she had the easy route. She would be dead. It'd be done for her. But Giles would have to go on living without her. Definitely the worse option. Especially for him, who has no one to help him through his grief. :'(
With the gunshot and the blood and the sheets, with the words on the arms and all of that amaizingness but only we know what it means and she's just got this feeling of dread and it's all just a big epic win! (how's THAT for a run-on sentence for ya?)
I just love you so FREAKING MUCH!
You've been spoiling me rotten. I don't deserve it, you should cut me off, but please don't.
Seriously. You're like Santa.
PS. Look! I managed to review in one post! YAY ME! :)
And haha, gotta love sexytimes-aftermath, huh? ;) That, and the pre-smut teasing/banter has to be some of my fave stuff (also, I agree that Jenny laying all tousled in the sheets with Giles walking around in just his boxers is a sexy sexy image -- hence, why I felt compelled to open with it)!
OH! Forgot to mention: loveloveLOVE that Jenny doesn't really remember her past as Janna, because SHE IS TOTALLY JENNIFER GILES FROM NOW UNTIL FOREVER! <3 Hehe, she totally is! But seriously, even I find it weird that she was ever anyone but Jenny -- because she's such a 'Jenny' - so fun and fierce and fearless; her whole 'past' as Janna never really seemed to fit her as much as her acquired persona did. She was all Jenny :)
LOL! The irish accent. I will forever and for always laugh like a maniac whenever I hear Angel and his accent. Stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's that awful. HAHAHA! It was SO terrible. I always volley between cringing in embarrassment for him, and laughing at the awfulness. Oh, DB. Please never do accents ever again.
I can see Jenny in all of this gypsy-wear and all I can think of is: DAMN! I SEE SMUT POTENTIAL IN THIS! Because she'd be sexy as HELL in that outfit, all mysterious, and all-knowing and HAWT! RIGHT?! Robia could work that look like crazy. But then again, she's one of those gals that could make a plain wooden barrel look like a million bucks if she wore it. :D
THANK YOU VIVIAN FOR GIVING GILES THE PROVERBIAL SMACK UPSIDE THE HEAD THAT I WANTED!!! Bahahaha! He wouldn't be Giles without a little self-deprecation and constant self-doubt ;)
BUFFY MIRROR QUOTE!!! ILU SO MUCH!!!! <3 Heeee! Thank you! I think you're the only one to pick up on that thus-far! :D
Poor Jenny just doesn't quite get why Giles will never really get over that night. She can move one because, well... quite frankly, she had the easy route. She would be dead. It'd be done for her. But Giles would have to go on living without her. Exactly. Plus, the way I interpret his character, anyway, Giles is very internal. He's a thinker and, thus, a dweller. I have no doubt that he dwelled on all of those tragedies in his life -- the Prophecy about Buffy, losing Jenny, his whole dark past, Buffy's death, etc. etc. It just seems to be in his nature for him to dwell on stuff like that. And it seems in Jenny's nature that she'd always want to pull him out of it. Which is why they will forever be perfect for each other. :)
I am SO SO glad you enjoyed this chapter!! I've been wanting to write it forever. And now, we're just a couple entries away from the end of season six!! :D :D
Thanks again!
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