Nov 30, 2011 13:12
In case, you think contemporary times have cornered the market with strange baby names, check out some of these names I've uncovered in my research. All of these names are all from one very established American family -- six generations worth -- whom I'm researching for my Mutter project:
Concurrence (girl)
Tryal (girl)
Mindwell (girl)
Recompense (girl)
Return (boy)
Silence and Submit (twin girls)
Thankful (girl)
Waitstill (girl)
Sea (girl who was born at sea)
And these are just the "nouns / verbs as first names" names. Check out some other names from the same family tree, which I can only guess are biblical names?
Jehiel (boy)
Beriah (girl)
Asahel (girl)
Sylvanus (girl)
Bezai (girl)
Lovisa (girl)
Statira (girl)
Jabez (boy)
Azenath (boy)
Lucina and Lurania (sisters)
Artemesia (girl)
Gamaliel (boy)
Bezaleel Ives (boy)
Erastus (boy)
It's enough to make names like Phineas, Lucretia and Ebenezer look downright plain when they pop up!
And even the full names of people they interacted with seem like ones that people just make up: Reuben Tinkham, Issac Braag, Abner Hoxie, Temperance Crocker, Zylphia and Lemeul Jones of Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Writing this book is one of the strangest experiences of my life.