heey heey heey welpz nOt much happened tOdaii wOke up ate breakfast `nd den mee `nd my mOmmy went tO dadeland `nd we gOt there like at 11:45 `nd we had tO wait fOr the stupid stOre tO Open sO i called da babez `nd Oopsi he was still sleepin . . my bad . .lOlz w.e. sO w.e. we went i bOught 3 shirts at burdines `nd den my mOmmy wanted tO gO tO NEW YOURK AND COMPANY `nd she bOught alOt Of qt things there `nd then we went tO JCPENNY `nd i bOut 4 shirts `nd a pair Of jeans wOot wOot im excited . .cant wait tO gO Out . .welpz that was my daii if anything interesting happends i'll let yOu knOw oOo `nd yesterdaiiz update was friends Onlii sO fridaii went tO fashiOn shOw wit da babez `nd then tO best buy `nd den tO da babez hOuse `nd was there fOr bOut n hOur `nd den we went tO chilis den yesterdaii nOthung babe had his class trip sO hOme bOred . .oOo went tO lunch with da fam sO yea and On thursdaii mee `nd da babez gOt intO a fight but thats all . .lOlz talk tO yOu peOplez later
i lOve anthOny 11.17.o4 :o) // hate On it