heey heey peOple welpz tOdaii wasnt anything big just a regular daii but ugh it was a MONDAII yucky I hate mOndaii sO yea w.e. nOt a big deal during schOol but after schOol krissia really pissed mee Off like fOrreal I mean dnt get me wrOng I lOve the girl I really dO but sOmetimes she can act like if shes the center Of the universe ((althOugh yOu are lOka lOlz)) 10 bucks saiiz shes prOlly thinkn yea yOu best sii I am . .lOlz I know yOu krissia yOu prOlly are . .buenO yea its krissia mee I cant be mad at her if my life depended On it sO as usual nO hating nOthing just w.e. just anOther daii with krissia mutha fuckn bringas . .lOlz buenO here are sOme pics frOm fridaii
thats mee and da babez lil brO giancarlO isnt he the qtest. . lOlz
this is da babez makin a funny face `nd Baby G lOlz
thats mee `nd da babez lOokin oOo sO purty . .lOlz welpz guys im Out with a kiss mwaz . .
i lOve anthOny 11.17.o4. :o) // hate On it