2011.08.23 AD - Methodical.

Aug 23, 2019 00:50

<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translation by ear.
<º)))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"几帳面/kichōmen/(methodical, punctual)"

[BGM 'Tooku Made']

Ohh. That's all it says. 'Methodical'. I see. Of course I know this one!
This is a lovely Japanese word that means to do things to perform everything in a detailed manner or to deal with things in a way that punctually fulfils arrangements or promises.

Yeah. 'Methodical'. The word is great too, huh? I'm not real methodical. The other day when I went back to my parents' house, my mum told me, "Why've you become so sloppy?"


"In the past, whenever your clothes had stains from a meal or whatever, you'd immediately go and change. You were more sensitive. More methodical. And now you're like this! Forever wearing ratty t-shirts..."

"It's fine!"

I mean, I do change when I get dirty! Mm. So like, that's still a thing. I just got less sensitive to the details. Even though I'm blood type A. That A-type factor's gone.

So like, I guess maybe it's just in art where my methodical traits are strongest? I used to be pretty broad and sketchy in the way I drew, but I gradually became more methodical when I really threw myself into it. Like when I started doing lots of dots, I started to get more detailed. So maybe it's just the old Ohno Satoshi showing? Yeah.

But well, I think my methodical side's gonna gradually disappear, (laughs) so I'm gonna pay more attention to that!

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


Grab the audio for this entry here!

Thanks for your patience! Got distracted by 24HTV and things through the rest of August... I'm clearly not very methodical ^^;


*ad: anecdotes, *arashi discovery, *ad: family, -audio, **嵐, *ad: art, **嵐:大野智

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