2017.03.22 AD - Ohno-Kurihara Studio Talk 3

Mar 22, 2017 08:23

<º))))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'
<º))))>< Translations by ear (aided by Japanese transcripts).
<º))))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
This week we have a special project, come on!

Ohno: Oh-chan's and-

Kurihara (radio host of 'Morning Steps'): -Kuri-chan's-

Both: -Studio Talk!

[BGM 'A Day In Our Life']
O: This week, Kurihara-san will be our guest as we look back through the 14 and a half years.

K: Man, I say this every morning, but we're really indebted to you. Thank you very much.

O: (laughs) Not at all.

K: Today it seems we have the old stuff.

O: Ah, finally, my old stuff!

K: Um, it's from November 2002, so when you just started out.

O: Just after I started out, huh?

K: It's from 14.5 years ago, are you okay with that, Oh-chan? If we bring that out now?

O: Man, I'd like to hear it.

K: Ah, can we?

O: It'll be embarrassing but I'd like to hear it.

K: Right, so let's start the tape!

(start of old audio footage)

Today's my birthday! (applauds)

(O: Oh, isn't my voice different?)

I'm 22!

(O: (laughs) How sloppy!)

Thank you very much, folks! Really.

How young! Ohno Satoshi-kun is 22 today. Man, what is it? My ambitions? Uhh, I'll do my best for my 22nd year! (applauds and laughs)

(O: Sounds smooth!)

Folks, how was your 22nd year? I'd like to ask you that.

Today is Ohno Satoshi's birthday, please burn that into your memory, folks! As you head off to school or to work. If you please!

I'll do my best today, so I hope to have your favour please. That's all, this was Ohno Satoshi!

(end of old audio footage)

O: Man, I sounded drunk. (laughs)

K: Or rather, it's like the current Oh-chan and the past Oh-chan have synchronised.

O: I kinda seemed rushed. It sounded kinda rushed. Like I was scared of running out of time. But what I said kinda sounded pretty smooth.

But now, time-wise and all, I'm totally like, who cares! (laughs)

K: In other words, you're no longer scared, huh?

O: I'm not scared. Or rather, back then, naturally, it was like, I gotta wrap this up!

Ah, I mean in the past, I used a red pen and everything. That's right, I wrote down what I'd say in a red pen and we had elaborate meetings that lasted over an hour.

Like, there'd be days when I'd have no voice or something. Like I busted my throat once during the stageplay.

That's right, I had days where I'd have no voice. So at that time, I was like, uwaaa, I'm so sorry!

K: And yet you'd still do it. Personally, Oh-chan, you seemed to quite enjoy talking by yourself. There was a period when I thought you had gotten used to it, in these 14.5 years.

O: Ohh.

K: Like once you were past 30? It seemed like Oh-chan had really burst open and you weren't so high-tension anymore, it was like, ah, I can talk about anything.

O: Ahh.

K: Like, I can talk about anything; there was a time when you gave off that sort of air.

O: But well, like, I remember. Like it wasn't particularly because I was past 30 or anything., but like I just stopped trying to be cool or whatever.

Not in a strange sense or anything. Like, well, the only way you'd get to know about my private life was this.

K: Yeah.

O: Like it was just this radio show. So I was like, right, so let's talk about what I do on my days off.

And stuff. I wasn't really too proud to tell people what I did in my private time. So well, I figured I'd talk about it.

K: It may be exactly as you said, where the only chance you had to talk about your private life was on this FM Yokohama show. Your fans really took refuge in listening to you on this radio show.

O: Man, I guess so.

K: What sort of feelings do you have with respect to your fans, in relation to you doing this FM Yoko radio show?

O: Well, I don't really... Honestly, I don't really, um...

I don't really have anything in particular, in a good sense. I don't particularly... I mean, I do this lying down, don't I, usually?

Right? No, no, no! I'd always line up chairs or lie down on the sofa to do this.

So like, right now, this is pretty refreshing.

K: Ah, because we're in a studio today.

O: We're in a booth, sitting properly. Doing that sorta feels out of place.

Which is why that style... Doing it in my old posture kinda makes it feel like the way I'm talking is off.

Like, it's kinda good, in a way.

K: Hehhhh~


O: Right.

K: Right, so to close, let's have you say a few words about how you talked by yourself and all.

O: That's right. Well, it was pretty interesting. Mm.

Like with radio, it's always generally with 2 people having a conversation, talking over stuff between them.

But well, like, with one person it's like talking to myself, most of the time. So like, really, there are times when I honestly don't have anything to say.

But like, in any case, I just give it a go. I just give it a go with the director, in any case. And when I do, surprisingly, (laughs) it's like, not like that at all.

Ah, like, the more I do it, stuff just gets produced...

Surprisingly, like, when I do it with elaborate meetings and all, there are times when nothing interesting really comes out of it.

K: So really, that's the sort of rough Ohno Satoshi that you've shown us for these 14.5 years.

O: (laughs)

K: Right, so at least, tomorrow is the last day of our cross-talk.

O: Right!

K: So we'll have questions again!

O: Right!

K: Right, if you could give us a word to conclude this!

O: Right! That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


The fact that he acknowledges this may be the only outlet we get for his private life stories... 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。

Grab today's episode here, courtesy of nepheliads


*ad: farewell, *arashi discovery, -audio, **嵐, **嵐:大野智

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