Alright, ladies and gents.
friend add tworiverspsych
friend remove ntytldrksho
friend remove b-m-h
friend remove thesixthvoodoo
friend add Jackie_D_Crazee
friend remove poeiscrazy
friend add __xlostx__
friend remove shy_mikey
friend add lilitaliankillr
friend remove JimmyIsAPlague
friend remove xlilithskissx
friend add perphectxxxdave
friend remove 2ndtimeround
friend add cobain_k
friend remove hartvisions_
friend add hunter_sandwich
friend remove xmisfortunex
friend remove ____luca
friend add xxx1sadsexually
friend add xnumbtofeelx
friend add my_berlin_wall
friend add glamflower
friend add the_criminal_x
friend add manic_x_whore
friend add driftwood_x
friend add schneiderofdoom
friend remove mattxxxdavies
friend remove makexitxbig
friend add blooispissed
friend add pretty_in_pale
friend remove jererangelmiah
friend remove tonyclovato
Friend remove allman_is_dead
Friend remove borderlinebilly
Friend remove bright_eyed_boy
Friend remove lovelyalienboy
Friend remove mddlfngrman
Friend remove now_xix_see
Friend remove oh_mr_jones
Friend remove popisdead____
Friend remove rangel_
Friend remove __glitterydeath
Friend remove _monroeville_
Friend remove _to_buy_a_gun
Friend remove crackedpeter
Friend remove firstnamebeck
Friend remove jeph_noise
Friend remove molko__b
Friend remove notatedebear
Friend remove reeshie_bose
Friend remove rzrbldrmnce
Friend remove syn_gates
Friend remove justxinsane911
Friend remove xerox_hands
Friend remove z_vengeance
friend remove mattxxxdavies
friend remove makexitxbig
friend remove xlilithskissx
friend add willard_s
friend add jonnexaaron
Copy and paste the above here:
w00t, admin console -------------------------------------------------
And THIS is for all those lovely people who are leaving this community. IE, for the patients who are now cured.
friend remove tworiverspsych
friend add b-m-h
friend remove Jackie_D_Crazee
friend add poeiscrazy
friend remove __xlostx__
friend remove shy_mikey
friend remove lilitaliankillr
friend remove JimmyIsAPlague
friend remove xlilithskissx
friend remove perphectxxxdave
friend add 2ndtimeround
friend remove cobain_k
friend remove hartvisions_
friend remove hunter_sandwich
friend remove xmisfortunex
friend remove ____luca
friend remove xxx1sadsexually
friend remove xnumbtofeelx
friend remove my_berlin_wall
friend remove glamflower
friend remove the_criminal_x
friend remove manic_x_whore
friend remove driftwood_x
friend remove schneiderofdoom
friend remove mattxxxdavies
friend remove makexitxbig
friend remove blooispissed
friend remove pretty_in_pale
friend remove jererangelmiah
friend remove tonyclovato
Friend remove allman_is_dead
Friend remove borderlinebilly
Friend remove bright_eyed_boy
Friend add lovelyalienboy
Friend remove mddlfngrman
Friend add now_xix_see
Friend remove oh_mr_jones
Friend remove popisdead____
Friend remove rangel_
Friend remove __glitterydeath
Friend remove _monroeville_
Friend remove _to_buy_a_gun
Friend remove crackedpeter
Friend remove firstnamebeck
Friend remove jeph_noise
Friend remove molko__b
Friend remove notatedebear
Friend remove reeshie_bose
Friend remove rzrbldrmnce
Friend remove syn_gates
Friend remove justxinsane911
Friend remove xerox_hands
Friend remove z_vengeance
Friend add thesixthvoodoo
Friend add bass_messiah
Friend add thenglishcannon
Friend add trpdaveyh
Cured patients, visit this community: