(no subject)

Aug 29, 2009 17:51

Your Name: Sir Eisenhower the Third
Your Livejournal: notlynn
Email Address: eisenhower@touchmetender.com
AIM: forkedelement
Timezone est
Other Characters Played: edgar and dalia

Character Name: Michael Lamont ("Two")
Fandom: ...kind of the Matrix... yeah I guess the Matrix.
Canon or Alternate Universe: QUITE alternate
Canon Point: After the third movie
Species: Deviant sentient computer program, posing as a human.
Age: Existed since Version 2, and it's now Version 3 take seven, so about 800 years of existence. 700 years posing as human. Appears to be in mid/late twenties.
Appearance: 6'3" white male, attractive but sharp features with a very strong jawline. Dark hair, blue eyes. PB Michael Gandolfi: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9876/graphiccrop.png

Reality Description: Let's start with the Real World: it's covered in sentient machines. The sky is darkened by smog and the sun is blotted out. Anything that requires sunlight for survival is long dead. Covering much of the earth's surface are crop fields of pods, which contain growing humans. The humans' energy is harvested by the machines to continue their existence, and the humans are plugged into a system called The Matrix.

The Matrix is a virtual reality, nearly flawless in its mathematical precision (thanks to its father, a program called the Architect) and the way it has been adapted to appear seamless to the human mind (thanks to its mother, an intuitive program called the Oracle). It simulates the world as you, the reader, see it in current-day reality; all the same countries, cities, etc exist. People are plugged in at birth, so they grow up thinking this virtual reality is actually the real world. The idea is to keep humans unaware and complacent.

This true-to-life remake of the world is actually Version 3 of the matrix. V1 was designed as a heavenlike utopia, and V2 as a nightmarish place full of ghouls and demons. In both cases, the human mind was not always convinced; too many people rejected the programs and entire crops were lost. V3 was designed by the Oracle so that, given an unconscious choice, 99.9% of human minds would accept it. The leftover statistic results in the birth of what is called The One, a template of a human who is born every lifetime or so. There is one human city OUTSIDE the Matrix, aka in the Real World, which exists underground and covets a prophecy about the One, believing his ability to manipulate the code of the Matrix [etc] will bring an end to the human-Machine war and free all the plugged-in people. These unplugged people are unaware that he, as well as they, are being manipulated by the Machines; their false hope is a tool of control, and in reality, the Machines use the One to end the current cycle of V3 and reboot it. Each time, Zion is destroyed, and a small number of humans from the Matrix are unplugged by the machines to begin the next round of Zion while everybody waits for the One to be born (for what the humans of Zion believe to be is the first time ever, but the machines know has actually happened six times now).

In the movie, Neo is the sixth incarnation of the One since V3 started, and in the movie he actually ends the war. HOWEVER, in our AU, he simply continued the cycle, at it is now the seventh round. Zion awaits the arrival of the One and the machines continue about their business and lol to each other.

Background: plz read reality first. AHEM: Twin One and Two, as they were titled back then (no relation to "the one"), initially existed in Version 2, the nightmare version. Within the virtual reality of the Matrix are millions upon millions of programs - i.e. the weather is made up of multiple programs, the animals are each individually run by programs, etc. And when a program is obediently doing its job, it's as seamless as the rest of the world. However, come the end of V2, the programs which served to make the virtual world nightmarish - those who posed as werewolves, witches, demons etc - were no longer of use, and were scheduled to be deleted. The Twins were malicious ghosts, and were now also obsolete.

Along comes a powerful program called the Merovingian. Canon is unclear about his past, but when V3 started up, he defected from the system. He coded himself a false human body - convincing enough in the Matrix, he probably even bleeds, but he is certainly not connected to a real plugged-in human - and began taking in other exiled programs in exchange for their servitude, hiding them from deletion. Somewhere in London, England, was a normal human couple trying to make a baby; the Merovingian inserted the code of the twins into her womb with a few necessary modifications, and nine months later...

Michael and Gabriel Lamont, apparently healthy identical twins, were born in the first round of V3. Mero temporarily suppressed some of their 'supernatural' abilities, as supernaturalism has no place in V3, but they retained their hive-mind, able to share thoughts and think as two lobes of one entity. Michael and Gabriel were uncommonly intelligent but with a severely caustic and logical bent, lacking human intuition, which came through in their flat affect. Some people thought they were gifted, while the occasional smarter and more intuitive person might think they were creepy manipulative sociopaths who only really give a fuck about themselves and fake it to everyone else (which is pretty much true). As children they (thanks to Mero) had no reason to believe they were anything but human, and their hivemind ability just came across as typical twin closeness. Though trails of it leaked through earlier, their memories and abilities really began to unlock as puberty hit, just as Mero had planned it, but by fourteen or fifteen they were (on the inside) themselves again; his barriers broke down much earlier than he meant them to. Nonetheless, they continued to play human - it's important to stay covert, and while they're caustic and have some degree of social fail because of their lack of real human emotion, they try not to let on that they're essentially coldblooded psychopaths, let alone that they're secretly not even human.

Anyway, in light of their early development, the Merovingian 'kidnapped' young Michael and Gabriel when they were fifteen, taking them to the newest mecca of multiculturalism, media, and business, in Shangri-la of Tibet. An elusive crimelord, he ran (and continues to run) an underground, international mafia-like organization, keeping up a business front to protect it from the eye of the law. The organization, of course, was full of exiled sentient programs posing as human, not that any human would know that, and it had fingers in every pie. In short, they were programs pretending to be underground human criminals pretending to be a law firm. As programs, the organization is a trafficker of information, out for influence over other exile programs; as an underground crime rig, they're out for money and influence over human business.

On the surface, they will sue the FUCK out of your ex-wife.

(PS: once they hit late twenties or so, they were fully fledged and Mero's fake-human-modifications no longer continued to age them as if they were people. They've remained adult-looking through all the reincarnations of Neo i.e. have been 'adults' for several hundred years, and their surrogate family is long gone. Also they have deep british accents.)

Powers/Abilities: Hivemind, as mentioned; they can hear each other's thoughts and feelings, see through each other's eyes, sense the presence of the other, etc. It happens unconsciously but they can be varying degrees of tuned in/out.

Also, they are able to go incorporeal ("phase") on will and/or reflex, which is remnant of their ghosty days. They react to physical influence a little (dissipate slightly as if they're smog) but, for all intents and purposes, are untouchable. They also heal completely while in this state and look really fucking scary.

This isn't really an "ability" but it's important to mention: they're not human. They're not even biological organisms or technically living. They have a kind of 'shell' of organicness - their skin is 'real' skin and they bleed etc - but in their 'cells' is coding rather than actual organic building blocks of life. They're a little bit cold to the touch and have no spiritual 'presence,' no aura, etc. Think of them as Photoshop, except they walk and talk and think, and can eat, breathe, and pee and sleep if they feel like it. Physically, they are just a very close approximation of a human form... outwardly it's perfectly convincing, but the farther in you get, the more fake it is (i.e. their organs are probably weird as shit). Because of this, they're pretty much invulnerable to psychic probing/manipulation and, even if they have some sort of weird sentient-machine-version of a soul, it's improbable any sort of sensitive would be able to detect it or their minds. (Ask if you're not sure! There are probably exceptions.)
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