Mar 05, 2007 13:01
So here is the deal. After being lied to, let down, stood up, and abandoned (yes all that). I rejoined a dating site. I have so many stories to tell, but I wont bore you with the large details. Yeah yeah yeah... I know I look almost decent and don't have to get on sites to meet people, but it can be convenient, and I can be a hermit at times.
Should I have to apologize about what I like? Should anyone be sorry about who and what they are attracted to? I mean attraction is sometimes just a part of nature. Not to get too deep into what I like I'll just say you need to be tall. My preference is 6'2" and above. Easy. I am 5'3" but I like tall men, short men look deformed to me, and I am no physically attracted to them at all. Period. Some people like blonds, some people like really skinny, or BBBBBBW's. LOL The Ramona likes tall.
Here is what this short Doctor had to say to me after nicely saying I prefer tall men. I even said it nicely...
what the hell is tall?? ...that's 5 foot 3 ...shyt...5'5" is quite taller than you...sistas need to get off that six inch heels/(penis envy wanna be equal or nowadays greater to men complex..)..wanna be 5 foot 9 and have this "six foot" (much of the time loser)...that is probably more bytch than she is....the avg man in the U.S. is about 5'9" according to stats..and out of all women of all people, were the ones in the studies to have this height complex...guys can be even dog ass unattractive and nothing going for them and EVERY lil shortie is running behind this trifling ass...Hell Nall...picture me rollin in my 500 benz into the sunset, not having to worry about a damn thing...over me remotely wanting to be that.....sistas in general have serious ass issues these days...they complain about height and even penis size and then many go get a ugly fat dike to be their man....that doesn't have a dick at all....we are actually pretty pitiful as a people...on that note...i am heading out of my loft..i got to get to douglasville to my home there , get dressed and lots of people depending on "Dr Warner" to HIS thats some real shit...all that other is some dumb shit....
ive dated A LOT of fine ass women and MOST of them said the same shyt about this whatever thing and i typically dated them til i got bored with them and onto the just at a different phase of my life now.
WTF! Did he go off or what. I should have replied and told him he has little man's disease aka a Napoleon complex, but I will keep my cool this time and walk away like a gentle lady.
What do you think?
dating sites short men and physical attr